health concern

  1. R

    Chicken might have eaten nexcare waterproof tape

    she's being treated for bumblefoot and there might have been some tape on the ground that I hadn't cleaned up yet and she ate, it's also possible that it was some wet bedding from her water that she had recently knocked over, I'm not sure. She hasn't been let out to roam for three days and...
  2. B

    Hens have black spots on combs

    Hi there! We're relatively new to raising chickens (we have our first 9 hens coming up on a year old this spring). I recently noticed that a few hens have small black spots on their combs. We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. They have a large 8x8' raised coop that is...
  3. R

    Rescued a hen - health concerns?

    Apparently I've become known as the crazy bird lady of the neighborhood, because early this week a lady showed up on my doorstep to tell me about a random rooster seen running around a yard down the street where the house is under construction. Apparently the construction workers had caught it...
  4. S

    Quail hatchling deformities and quality of life

    Hi, I just had a clutch of 15 eggs in my incubator, and unfortunately only 3 have survived thus far. They are a mix of pansy fee, jumbo pearl, pansy and Italian coturnix. One is zipping around the brooder and is very vocal. The other two have issues with their feet--curled toes. So, we...
  5. ColonelMustard

    Lump on rooster’s back (pictures attached)

    I was checking my rooster today (had some lice we treated last month) and noticed a large, warm bump below his neck. There are no feathers growing on it. I accidentally plucked a loose feather which is the red dot. Any ideas as to what this could be? He is acting normal.
  6. Jaxolotl

    Chicken losing weight? Should I be concerned?

    Hi folks, So my Golden Laced Wyandotte, Choo-Choo, seems to have lost some weight as of recently. She’s about 6 or 7 years old. She weighs about 3.2 pounds. For the past few years, she’s had a few cases of bumblefoot, ranging from pretty mild to quite extreme. (I once had to pull out a kernel...
  7. W

    Vent Greek or egg bound?

    I’m very new to chickens-I have 12 week old chicks and then recently added mature sebrights best guess 1.5-2 years old (as well as a couple other birds) to my flock about a month ago. She’s acting out of character today- neck scrunched down wings lowered and squatting /pushing. Upon inspection...
  8. P

    Is this gapeworm?

    Hi there, Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed a few of my chickens stretching their neck out as though gasping for air. Initially I thought nothing of it as I read that it can often be just rearranging the crop after eating and I'd always noticed it after they'd eaten. Then tonight while...
  9. J

    Sick ducky

    I've read over niacin deficiency in ducks and just am unsure about what to do. We have three nine week old hens, two of which are pekins & one beautiful khaki. Clementine as you can clearly tell in the video does not have crossed feet, but has been off-balance for a few days. She has a large...
  10. isabellajosie

    Help? Hen with white spots on her comb.

    Hello. I have a year old Easter Egger hen who I noticed yesterday has these raised white spots on her comb. They almost look like calcium deposits that are stuck to the comb. When I researched this, most results that pop up are about it being early signs of fowl pox. I have not noticed any...
  11. S

    Pullets eating wood shavings.

    Hello! I finally moved my older chicks/pullets outside in the coop. I have pine shavings in the coop and they seem to be eating them. I’ve never had any problem with other chickens doing this and it’s freaking me out I don’t want them to get sick. Any suggestions or what other bedding would be...
  12. S

    White leghorn broody or sick?

    I have a flock of 6 white leghorns who are all around 1 year old. I'm worried about and one of my girls. She's been displaying signs of being broody for around a week, staying in the nesting box all day and not eating and drinking, and if i take her out, she'll peck around for a minute or so and...
  13. D

    Adult duck sick - quarantined for now, but looking for advice.

    Hey all, we've had our flock of runner ducks for a few years now and they've been great layers and overall very healthy. Recently one stopped walking around and seems to have developed almost a wheeze when quacking. She's quarantined for now and no other ducks seem to be behaving similarly -...
  14. D

    Is this normal after eating tomatoes and eggs or is this unusual??

    She’s been eating tomatoes and eggs for awhile now, but the color of her poop seems to be getting slightly darker? I think. Is poop like this normal for other ducks after they eat tomatoes and eggs too? Is this logically healthy or is this a warning of some kind? Thank you!
  15. isabellajosie

    Hen Limping, Possible Sprain?

    Hi, all. I have a nearly one year old Sapphire Gem hen. I noticed today that she’s limping. It doesn’t seem that bad, she’s moving around, kicking up dirt and leaves in the yard, but it’s noticeable enough that she’s limping. I wasn’t able to spend much time out there with them yesterday, but...
  16. M

    Strange dark eye is concerning

    I’m currently nursing a hen with frostbitten toes. She’s doing very well, I have her with a companion though and I noticed something strange about the companion hen’s eye. Both girls are rescues* (*we didn’t know how much they were neglected when we purchased them) from a hatchery. We got them...
  17. P

    Enlarged craw…normal or a concern?

    About 4 weeks ago, my local feed store ran out of the chicken feed I had been using so I bought a different brand. It had the same protein content, etc. I didn’t realize I was supposed to change food slowly so I just loaded their feeders with the new feed. Well…long story short, three hens died...
  18. Znarf

    Bald spot in back of the neck

    One of my Orpington pullets (9 months old) is losing feathers at the back of the neck. I have no idea how this is happening. Last week she got a bit quiet and aloof. But she appears to be eating properly. Although I have a nasty Orpington hen that will peck at the three pullets, she usually...
  19. Adelic

    Weird black spots on hens comb

    My 8 month old hen recently developed wierd black spots on her comb. Does anyone know what it is? It does remind me of when my rooster’s comb was all beaten up and had black scabs, but those were bigger and more in clumps. The pictures are of both side.
  20. N

    Our hen has a prolapsed vent that won't stay in!

    We've tried pushing it back in her butt repeatedly but it just won't stay in. We soaked her for a bit and wiped off the poop. We plan on keeping her inside tonight away from the rest of the flock and maggots and trying again tomorrow. We think this occurred three days ago and we somehow didn't...
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