heat in coop

  1. Turnips

    Coop and Water Heaters Keep Breaking

    First time chicken owner here, and I was wondering if anyone else had trouble with their heated chicken tools breaking very quickly. I have a coop heater and heated water bottle that both came from tractor supply, and both stopped heating after about 4 weeks. The water bottle actually only...
  2. UrbanHenKW123

    Heat for Canadian Winters

    Hi there - I'm thinking ahead to our Canadian winters. I'm near the great lakes area so we get a lot of damp cold reaching -20 C sometimes and even lower with the wind chill. I was thinking of either adding a heated water bowl or one of the heated pads from amazon like this one...
  3. K

    Keeping 'em warm in the wintertime questions.

    My girls haven't arrived yet, getting 3 barred rocks that are already old enough to know FOR SURE they are girls (have had really bad luck with getting roosters out of 'hens'). BUT anyway, I had some questions about keeping them warm in the winter... Heat lamps worry me, it even worried me...
  4. ktlady

    Keeping chickens warm

    Just looking for more input. I am in Anchorage, AK and want to make sure my flock of 5 chickens has the best chance of doing well this winter. I have an insulated, wired, ventilated 4x4 coop with an attached 8x4 covered run. I am planning to wrap the run in 6 mil plastic to give the girls more...
  5. ChickenMamaSarah

    Is 98 degrees outside too hot for baby chicks?

    i have a variety of chicks in a brooder under a heat lamp in my house right now. In an attempt to avoid a divorce I got another smaller chicken coop with an attached run and put it in my large chicken run with the rest of my adult birds and two ducks. I have a Brahma, Americauna, and a bantam...
  6. Clemmy

    Broody + gagging! Hot day yesterday and this happens....

    I live in New England, and It was a very hot day yesterday. My rir and EE where gagging without noise! They constantly sat in the nesting box and kept gagging, and My thought it was because of the heat. I gave my 3 chickens TONS of cool water and and my coop has a roof for shade and lots of...
  7. G

    9 week olds first night in coop. Low of 32 degrees

    Hi everyone. This may be a dumb question that has been asked a million times, but I just moved my chicks into the coop at 9 weeks old. It is only 2 of them, on their own roost because my guinea is not very nice to them and especially does not like sharing a roost just yet so no warm cuddles from...
  8. A

    Hatching Turkeys at School

    Hi All, I'm teaching Agriculture at a high school, and we want to raise organic-fed turkeys and sell them, butchered, for Thanksgiving. This is my first time raising turkeys, and the problem is this: We have brooder boxes to keep inside the school, made from horse troughs and 50-gallon...
  9. MIchickenlady

    Duct Taped Heating pad on roost & Cozy Coop heater

    Hello everyone!:) Just thought I's share about adding heating options to our coop, even though I had decided I wasnt going to have heat. My husband got 'me' a Cozy Coop flat panel heater for a christmas gift. Then temps where we live in mid MI went down to double digit below 0 temps at night...
  10. Heated nesting boxes help stop frozen eggs!

    Heated nesting boxes help stop frozen eggs!

    Last winter was unusually cold for my area, with days turning to weeks of temperatures way below freezing. My schedule allowed me to gather my eggs twice a day, 8am and 8pm. For weeks I had cracked frozen eggs. Literally dozens of eggs were deemed unfit for human consumption, and fed back the...
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