helping hatch

  1. D

    Helping duck eggs hatch- photos please help

    Hello all! Please if you have any advice on assisting my duck eggs hatch. Number 16 has been working hard and chirping/ trying to get his beak out. I believe he is resting right now, but when do you try to help? Number 12 had a lot of movement yesterday and made a lot of progress through the...
  2. BetsyKinnamon

    New chicken mama (kind of)

    I got my first chicken about a year ago. Her name is Margalo and I love her fiercely. She joined the rest of my boyfriends flock of multiple breeds. No rooster at this time. I decided to try hatching some shipped eggs and this group probably saved two of my chickens as I had to help hatch them...
  3. kellym424

    Chick struggling to unzip

    I have a few silkie eggs in incubator that were due to hatch on Feb 13. One started that evening and finally came out a little before 1am on Valentine's day. Another one started piping at about 9:30 last night and at about 1pm today it made a full hole. However it has only made the hole slightly...
  4. chippy99th

    Emergency!! Crushed egg about to hatch!

    So my last chick in a completely unexpected clutch is finally about to hatch, and this happens: This is the third egg this hen has crushed by accident, the other two chicks were killed and I frankly do not trust her with this one. About half the shell is gone, along with part of the outer...
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