Chick struggling to unzip


Apr 20, 2016
Stilwell, KS
I have a few silkie eggs in incubator that were due to hatch on Feb 13. One started that evening and finally came out a little before 1am on Valentine's day. Another one started piping at about 9:30 last night and at about 1pm today it made a full hole. However it has only made the hole slightly bigger since then. Just keeps chirping occasionally and making little pecks after long naps. Humidity and temp is perfect. Is this normal? Thanks in advance!
The chick behind it has hatched but the one having trouble I did make the hole a little larger just taking the shell off and not membrane. It still is chirping and moving around but not trying to break free.


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That’s the same one from last night? I’m surprised it hasn’t kicked out yet. The membrane looks ready from the pictures- I don’t see any more veins. You could wet it (a q-tip dampened with water or oil will work) to check for sure for veins. I’m tempted to think the chick is malpositioned and can’t kick out, so if I were you I’d give it a bit more help- I’d break the rest of the membrane, and get the top of the egg off, see what’s up. It should be able to get itself out from there.
That’s the same one from last night? I’m surprised it hasn’t kicked out yet. The membrane looks ready from the pictures- I don’t see any more veins. You could wet it (a q-tip dampened with water or oil will work) to check for sure for veins. I’m tempted to think the chick is malpositioned and can’t kick out, so if I were you I’d give it a bit more help- I’d break the rest of the membrane, and get the top of the egg off, see what’s up. It should be able to get itself out from there.
Thank you! Took your advice and he's out!

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