hen agression

  1. Chickeeaholic

    In Memory of Tigger

    This is for Tigger. Sorry this is sad, and even if no one reads this, I guess it's for me too, to process the loss. I loved her. She was an olive egger cutie pie I got last February. She was a runt. I had to fight through pasty butt with her and spend time warming her against my chest and hands...
  2. M

    Hen pecking

    I hatched 3 chickens 4 months ago and have just given the 2 cockerels away which had left me with 1 hen. I was planning on introducing her to my flock that are 22 weeks old. but was told that she would be picked on if I put her in alone so I got another hen to introduce to her in the hopes of...
  3. S

    Aggressive Hen and Pinless Peepers

    I need help! We have 3 of our 4 original hens, who are 2 years and 3 months old. We brought home 4 new day old chicks at the end of February this year and had them in the garage until around mid-May. We set the Bitties up a small coop next to our grown up chicken run, where everyone could see...
  4. janaedwards

    Hen suddenly attacking the others

    I have a cinnamon queen, and for the last year since she was added, everything has been blissful. All of a sudden, however, she is attacking all the birds except for the head hen. All the other birds have feathers pulled out of their backs, broken feathers, and the youngest is even getting a...
  5. BokBokChicky

    2 momma hens, 10 chicks.

    We let 2 of our hens sit on 13 eggs, 10 hatched, and 1 very angry hen. A few days after their eggs hatched, our silkie, decided that she wanted to be a single mom, and not co-mom with our wyandotte-silkie. (Ws) So our silkie has nonstop fights with the ws, pulling her hair and jumping all over...
  6. CalBickieMomma

    Help with an Aggressive Hen Problem

    Hello chicken peeps! So here is the situation: I have a mixed flock of 3 month old pullets (9 girls), one cockerel (I hope), and a Guinea fowl (a male from what I can tell) who have been living in the coop/run for several weeks now. My older girl (Alice, a 6 year old Barred Rock) was in an...
  7. spiritpots

    Why is one of my chickens molting in July?

    I hope someone can help me with this! I have three new chickens (now 16 weeks old) and have been in the process of integrating them to my existing flock of three chickens (each about 17 months old) for the last several weeks. Today I noticed that one of the existing chickens, a Maran, has...
  8. Bettyboop7499

    Are Broodies always rudie...

    Hey BYC, hope all are fabulous! I have a Rhode Island Red about a year old on a nest now for four days! She doesn't puff up or peck at me or anything but she is on that nest 24/7. I take a handful of food to her twice a day but I can't get her to drink...she is sitting on eggs. Is she broody...
  9. Blazel

    Introducing two hens - how to make them friends

    Hey there, This is a bit of an odd post, I know my partner and I are a bit abnormal when it comes to our pet chickens, but we would really appreciate some advice. We recently lost one of our two girls, Stella, had to be euthanized due to old age and multiple health complications decreasing her...
  10. H

    Help! Integrating 7 week old chicks/new hen

    So long story short, I had a nice flock of 5 hens. 3 Buffs and 2 cinnamon queens (sex link). My girls are about 2 years old. My partner and I split up and couldn't agree on who got the chickens so we split them. I took my favorite Buff and Queen. The Queen was attacked by a dog when she was...
  11. chkva

    Aggressive Cream Legbar Hen

    We just acquired a cream Legbar hen that's about a year and a half old. Previous owner said she was aggressive with her sisters and he could no longer handle it so he wanted to re-home her. I couldn't say no to adding her to our flock because she's gorgeous and her eggs would look great with the...
  12. AbigaelR

    My Hen thinks she’s a Rooster?

    Hey all! I have two hens, and one very docile Americana/Leghorn mix Rooster. He was placed with the adult hens when he was fairly young but he is coming up on a year. He does his dipped wing dance to my Barred Rock Hen and she either ignores him, chases him off, or dips her wing and does a...
  13. SilkiesInSuburb

    Hen with super shredded backside, seems ok but not sure

    My 3 yr old hen charlie was recently beaten up by a group of pullets and had her backside almost completely skinned. We put "new-skin" on her back, it serves as a liquid bandage and scab. She has been isolated and given food and water and blankets. Breathing is normal, and she is stable on her...
  14. chicken singer

    Hen attacking other hen

    Hi there, Cosmo is the queen of my chicken coop, but she has taken to attacking Cheeko chicken in particular to the point I am worried she will kill her. Cheeko is an older girl and has trouble walking, so when Cosmo comes to attack her, it doesn't help that Cheeko cant get out of the way. When...
  15. S

    What Is Going On With My Hen??

    **Edited the chaos of the repeating post** So I got a 12 week old Buff Orphington pullet back in April. It only took her a couple weeks to start laying and quickly became the head hen of the flock. About a month ago, we went broody. But it started while my husband a I were away on vacation for...
  16. ChxLadyCass

    Really Aggressive Hen Behavior!

    Hey friends! I recently ended a saga of an aggressive, young, sloppy rooster who tore my poor hens apart during mating (but only a select few of them that were of prime laying age). Now that the rooster is gone, I observed a hen the other day acting REALLY aggressive. I've seen hens at the...
  17. E

    Broodie hen or no?

    So I have a Barred rock hen who will sit on her eggs here an there durring the day. She roosts at night with the others however doesn't like me messing with her eggs. I'm new when it come to broodie hens. So bare with me. But is this normal? Isnt she suppose to sit on the eggs at night as well...
  18. M

    Hen Attacking Other Hens

    Hello. To explain my problem I have to start at the beginning and let you know this is my first time caring for chickens. I've had three chickens for a little more then a year. Two are Leghorn chickens, named Nuisance and Killer (the names are bad I know. They were the names that stuck) and one...
  19. S

    Chicken staying in coop making strange noises

    Hi! We have a hen (brahma) who has been acting strange the last couple days. She stays in the coop and makes a very concerning sound (like a yell or scream) whenever I or another chicken approaches. I’ve considered that she’s just guarding the eggs, but I’m honestly concerned that it’s more...
  20. T

    Hen keeps trying to attack my dog!

    Hi everyone! We've had our girls for almost 2 years- a black sex-link and a gold sex-link. Last week, our black sex-link started crowing and has tried to attack my dog (a 45 pound pittbull) several times! She's also stopped submissively squatting- The gold one still squats. Neither girls have...
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