
  1. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Hen got attacked by a bobcat

    Hello all, my lovely hen recently got attacked by a bobcat but was saved thankfully but this morning she’s not doing too good, she’s sitting with her head down and eyes closed and it seems like she’s doing everything to just every breath, she has a couple big spots where her feathers were...
  2. C

    Need help…hen or rooster…?

    Any ideas? It is a four week old Golden Laced Wyandotte and I thought it was a pullet but now I’m thinking maybe rooster?
  3. F

    Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?

    Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an...
  4. C

    Should I Remove Eggs

    My hen sits on her eggs, but I think they are dead eggs. We are on day 4 and I don’t see development. Is it safe to remove the eggs or should I keep them with her for a little longer ?
  5. C

    Making weird Exhaley noise

    Hello! New to chickens, just got yesterday. My serama hen makes this weird exhaley noise sometimes. It’s like a really long whine. it lasts like 5-7 seconds. She also makes shorter airier whines. She doesn’t do it constantly, but every once in a while. Is this normal? Just want to make sure I...
  6. Emrosenagel

    Hen “holding in” egg until I bring her inside

    Hello! So, some info first — my hen is a 9 month old Cochin bantam. She went broody back in January and hatched eggs on February 14th, gave up on the chicks about 2 weeks ago and started laying again. Last week we had some seriously hot days, and Gil (that’s my hen) has always been a later in...
  7. C

    Question About Chick

    Hello! I have a chick that I’m not 100% sure what breed she is, I’d love it if someone could tell me! Also, I’m sure curious as to what color she is going to be when she is older, does anyone have a picture of what she would potentially look like (color wise) as an adult?
  8. L

    Hen with one eye closed, lethargic

    Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old golden laced Wyandotte named Ruthie. Yesterday morning I went in to scoop poop and noticed she hadn’t come down from her roost. Her bum had a bit of droppings on it (not normal for her), and the droppings underneath her were quite watery and slightly yellow. Up...
  9. NewJourney

    Guess the dad: Barred Rock or Black Australorp on Sapphire Gem hens

    I was "sure" that by the time we incubated fresh eggs that the old rooster DNA should be GONE from the hens' oviducts... Well, now that they've hatched, I'm questioning if that's the case. LOL Here are some pics of our hatched chicks. Please help me figure out if the dad was a Black Australorp...
  10. Just Rosie

    North GA Silkie pullets

    I have 4 silkie pullets available. 3 blue and 1 black. All very sweet. I believe the 2 older blues (under 1 year) are laying but the younger 2 should be by this year. 1 - breeder quality blue hen. 5 toes, blue ears, good comb. Asking $100 obo 2 - pet quality blue hen. Has a comb defect, but...
  11. L

    Oklahoma-- Chicken Hatcheries or Places to Buy Chicks?

    Hi all! I'm looking for recommendations for any local hatcheries in Oklahoma or breeders. We're in Guthrie and only allowed hens so sexed is preferred, but I understand that isn't always possible. I'm not set on chicks, but looking for good layers. We're newbies and do want some family friendly...
  12. F

    What's the breed of this huge hen?

    I haven't weighed her but she has laid two very large tan eggs with white speckles, and she is much heavier than my other chickens (Bottom egg is hers) And is there any way to tell age?
  13. K

    Hen making obstruction noise- egg bound?

    Hi everyone, I have a pure bred Silkie hen who is about 9 months old who started laying about a month ago but is not a frequent layer- all my chickens have dropped off laying currently. A week ago I noticed she was making these noises of discomfort and would do it for about 10 seconds and...
  14. MamaHenSA

    Any guesses on the sex of my Silver Laced Wyandotte? Age 11 weeks

  15. DSC_0313.jpg


  16. F


    I have a close to 3 year old hen who has a history with soft eggs. On Sunday I noticed she had a dirty butt and some poop on her feathers around her vent so I gave her a bath. She was fine until yesterday morning when I found her on the roost bar in the coop in the late morning. I got her out...
  17. KyloChicken

    How old do your hens REALLY get?

    How old do your hens really get? I have a mixed group of chickens (roosters, hens, and young ones) free roaming. At night they are locked into the coop and as soon as the sun is about to come up the automatic doors open and they are off. The reason I’m asking: I get VERY attached to every...
  18. cluck queen

    Early spring madness

    Let's see everyone's gals (or guys) enjoying this prespring weather!
  19. Mayazoid

    Hen or roo? 14 weeks roughly

    I'm not sure. At first I thought hen... makes a lot of noise but no neck stretching and crowing... squares up against my other hen one and awhile
  20. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    First off, no one panic please or feel bad because Rulu the Rhode Island Red has lived a veryyyyy long happy life. So, today we went out to the ducks, turkeys and chickens and I noticed Rulus eye being shut. I quickly investigated without touching her. Then, I asked my freind to help me put her...
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