
  1. C

    How to protect hen’s head during mating

    I have one macho rooster and a couple little bantam roosters that have all but plucked all the feathers from the back of my hens’ heads when they’ve mated. It doesn’t seem to bother the girls and they’re not being pecked at by other hens, so should I just let it be? Is there something I can do...
  2. T

    New Member!

    Just joining from Alberta Canada, planning for my first small flock of chickens this spring. I've been researching away and have come across BYC so many times. Looking forward to learning and sharing with the community! I have been studying breeds and looking for a best-fit for cold weather and...
  3. MeowthLover_ThatsRight

    Hello everyone!!

    Hello!! Im new, and here are the answers to the sample questions: 1. I first got chickens almost 2 years ago! I gotta say, Im kind of a newbie 😅 2. I have 20 chickens right now!! 3. I have six americaunas, five black australorps, three brahmas, one buff orpington, one Rhode island red, two...
  4. NatureGirl74

    Production Red not laying

    I have a production red that isn't laying eggs. She's about 9 months old and has never laid any eggs that I'm aware of. I took her out of the coop and put her in a different one for a few days about two weeks ago. I never got any eggs from her. She still eats, drinks, and appears healthy, but...
  5. chickenchicklady

    No more eggs

    Hello! I have a flock of about 12 girls. A couple Roos. I typically get between 9-12 eggs a day. But the last three days I’ve only gotten one egg. Is this normal? I know it’s normal to not get as many, but will some of them just stop playing completely In the winter? Or do I need to check them...
  6. Chirbuls

    Chicken feather breaking off

    I have got two growing chicken about 4months old. One of them has a permanent leg injury and cant walk or stand properly and therefore, is not preening his feathers and they are starting to break. How can i help him? Should i give him a bath? Can i put on some oil on them?
  7. R

    I need help identifying these 6 week old beauties

    Hi everyone! I could really use some help identifying my baby girls!!! The grey ones looked different as baby chicks but seem to look more and more alike each day. They have amazing personalities! All very unique and very friendly and curious! Thanks again for the help!!!
  8. aarchambeau

    Handmade Chicken Figurines

    These are handmade chicken paperweights. They have a weighted ball-bearing inside. Clay sculpted and painted. Some breeds include: • Rhode Island Red • Plymoth Rock • Lavender Orpington • Buffalo Orpington • Leghorn Message me for other images or if you're interested.
  9. 1234chicken4321

    Hens started laying in winter?

    I have 6 free range (UK) hens and four started laying pretty much daily a month or so ago and for three of these it's their first eggs (chicks from the summer). I have had chickens for as long as I can remember and we have always just accepted that they stop laying in winter (and never made any...
  10. Misty and Ginger

    Misty and Ginger

    1st cristmass. Eating garlands
  11. Ginger and Misty

    Ginger and Misty

  12. Misty, Lula, Dixie

    Misty, Lula, Dixie

  13. LordEvan5

    Nada Huevos no Bueno

    My hens have stopped laying eggs. I know it’s winter and the days are short. But my buddy who I have sort of a chicken raising partnership with is getting record egg production. They were doing good but then we had a hen get a cold and when I reintroduced her egg laying sort of just petered out...
  14. ChickenMasta1105

    When will my 8 week old chicks start laying eggs?

    I have 4 approximately 8-week-old hens, but I want to know when my hens will start laying eggs. Please also keep in mind my hens are Rhode Island Red hens. Thanks for your precious time!
  15. benjaminzygs

    Foxes issue

    Bad news that a fox killed 4 of my hens, 3 remain left (2 girl,1 boy) this is a tragedy to us so please respect our loved hens which we tried to raise them. I am so sorry for announcing this. and now Stephanie and Peach the remaining hens are so traumatised they are cowering in the shrubs. Got...
  16. C

    Cuts and pecking

    I know there is probably hundreds of post similar to this but I’m still going to ask. Basically my smallest hen has a couple cuts on her back from what I believe to be other chickens pecking at her. How should I treat the cuts and how do I stop this from happening again?
  17. ChickieLinda


  18. NatureGirl74

    Hen stopped laying

    My black sexlink was laying an egg every day. For the past month she hasn't laid a single one. My production red hasn't laid any eggs at all. The hens are 6 months old. They're on a high protein layer feed too. Are they okay or is there something wrong?
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