hoop chicken pen

  1. RevlisRemmah

    Hoop Coops in the wintertime

    I’ve been reading up on making a hoop coop to expand our BYC operation. I have a wooden Amish-built coop, but it’s a max capacity with the 16 we have now. I’m interested in building a permanent hoop coop to house my next flock. However, even if it has areas covered in tarps will the chickens be...
  2. Sleepy Hollow Chick

    No Shade Available for Run

    Hi folks, I've been reading this for months now and getting great ideas, but this is my first post. I'm ready to build a run for my girls (5 10-week-old sex links) and am having a heckuva time finding the right location on my property. The best site is right next to my well - NO WAY! The other...
  3. Cattle Panel Hoop Coop

    Cattle Panel Hoop Coop

    We use an 8.5'x8.5' cattle panel hoop coop to house our 4 Plymouth Barred Rock hens, Red, White, Blue, and Pink. I have about $250 in it to build. Maybe $300. We built it on a Sunday afternoon a week before our ladies were to arrive via post. We ordered them as 15 week old pullets, and they...
  4. gcarmack2001


    I don't know about anybody else, but we never seem to have enough pens to hold all of the chickens we want. I have several nice pens but sometimes (like right now!) we just need to throw something together that will keep the chickens in and the predators out. I recently saw an FB post about...
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