No Shade Available for Run

Sleepy Hollow Chick

In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2020
southwest Oregon
Hi folks,

I've been reading this for months now and getting great ideas, but this is my first post. I'm ready to build a run for my girls (5 10-week-old sex links) and am having a heckuva time finding the right location on my property. The best site is right next to my well - NO WAY! The other sites are either on sloping ground or in full afternoon sun. I'm building a 9' x 12.5' cattle panel hoop run with a small (3' x 3.5' and free!) retrofitted coop inside. The site that I'm leaning toward (flat, easily accessible to water and power, close to the barn, on my twice-daily chore route, visible from the house) gets full sun from about 1 to 5 pm in the summer. I'm in southern Oregon, which has a Mediterranean climate (hot and dry summers), so I'm concerned that this location might be too hot. I plan on covering the run in shade cloth - do you think this will be adequate?

Thanks for your help.

p.s. This is my first foray into raising chickens . . . we had them when I was a kid, but that was back in the 60s!
You're in Oregon... people keep chickens in Southern California, Southern Texas, Nevada, New Mexico... and of course all over Latin America- all climates wayyy hotter than Oregon. Your birds will be fine! :)

If you are really worried about them, you can always put some kind of shade in there. A simple tent-like structure with roofing panels will work great.

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