
  1. I

    My duck is unable to walk

    Two weeks ago I went to my garden to put my ducks away before dark. I've checked on them an hour before that and everything seemed fine. It was already dusk and I couldn't see clearly but I was able to distinguish a body on the floor. One of the ducks was laying on her back and was barely...
  2. LemonyCatapult

    Chronic Diarrhea? *POOP PIC WARNING*

    I have a hen who hatched from my Easter egger rooster/ hen about a year ago. She has had chronic diarrhea for as long as I can remember. She is seemingly healthy otherwise. She did lose her feet to frostbite last year when she was 3.5 months old which delayed her growth quite a bit but she does...
  3. tigercreekfarm

    Chicken's legs aren't working

    Hi All, I'm hoping for some advice here on what to do even if it's that I have to put my chicken down :( (crying). I noticed about a week and a half ago that one of our 6-month-old hens (Bantam Rhode Island Red) was not able to use her left leg. It stuck out straight in front of her. I brought...
  4. Happy Henny

    My Silkie is sick

    Hello, I have a sick silkie. She is 3 months old. I found her in the coop laying down with her legs sprawled out. She was lethargic so I took her inside of the house, gave her medicated chick food and water with electrolytes and probiotics in it. She dosen't seem to eat or drink by herself...
  5. E

    Ill Quail

    Hi, this is my first post and I'm a new user so forgive me if I didn't write this properly. Open to suggestions to improve. I have 2 female silver quails about a year old and 1 one them bullied the other when I first got them. I had them in my bird cage temporarily until I bought a big cage for...
  6. grandpasgirl

    Guinea fowl pullet illness, unknown

    hello everyone, this is my first post here, and I figured I’d get more help than what I’d get from reddit or some other site. Just yesterday I adopted a 7 week old guinea from a family friend. I adopted it because it was obviously very sick, and the friend didn’t have time to care for it. Moving...
  7. C

    Feather Loss and No Eggs! Help!

    Hi everyone! I live in Australia and gave three backyard chickens, I'm pretty sure they're ISA browns. We've had them about two years, from a few months old. A few months ago the girls all went through molt. But one never grew them back, and has continued losing feathers on her chest, neck...
  8. theroosternamedrooster

    Any idea why my roo is doing this? Sickness? Trying to burp? Help!

    This has been going on for the last couple of weeks. At first it was very random and sporadic but now I can generally count on it happening once a day or so. He seems happy/eats/drinks water/crows/doesn’t seem abnormal otherwise, but this is very concerning to me . I am not sure what to search...
  9. goodatnaps

    6mo pullet can't move legs, lethargic, vet Dx seems wrong

    My 6ish month old layer Diana (she's laid maybe 3-4 eggs total, stopped the day after she lost the ability to stand/hobble) started limping about two weeks ago. We noticed one of her toes was curled out and backwards, and she was hobbling to avoid putting pressure on it. We tried to split the...
  10. scalci

    Fowl pix?

    I have an 8.5 y/o leghorn and two 3 y/o sexlinks. They recently have had an outbreak of lice, I treated the coop with permethrin and DE and it seems to be much better. They had scaly leg mites and mite bites on their combs as well but I have been doing foot soaks and applying petroleum jelly or...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Heart Murmur - 17 wk. old ISA Brown Pullet

    Hello. Yesterday I posted a thread about our ISA brown, "Buffy," who was suddenly showing signs of heat stress at the peak of the afternoon (here is the OG post: Well, we took her to the vet today and...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Please help. Possible heat stroke, or sick?

    It's been pretty hot here. Nothing intense like I see some people post about, but high 80s with lots of humidity and very little breeze. Our coop/run is shaded and we offer plenty of fresh water and frozen treats, and will mist down the run at peak hours. Thus far they've been fine, albeit with...
  13. Snowingamanda

    Is this a cleft palate?

    Hi, a couple weeks a ago posted here because my flock died of heat and my mistake. Many wonderful people here comforted me and encouraged to start again. So, 2 days ago I went to a breeder who gets his birds from Cackle Hatchery and vaccinates then. I go to these 2 chicks. Yesterday we noticed...
  14. Pictorhens

    Help understanding illnesses?

    Hi, One of my hens has developed some find of rash around her ear, wondering if anyone has any ideas or advice for treatment?
  15. divineangel94

    Cause of death?

    About a month ago I had a hen who was squirting out green water. She had lost a lot of weight, would drink a lot more than normal, and would sit with her chest puffed up, and would keep to herself, and would sleep standing up in that position. One day I looked out the window and saw her fall...
  16. LemonyCatapult

    Any experience with salmonella?

    I lost my Silkie rooster after a short battle with a respiratory infection this week. The vet did a necropsy and believes he found evidence of salmonella but they are doing a test to make sure. I have a flock of 14 other chickens who I love dearly, they are more than livestock to me, they are...
  17. L

    Button quail sneezing for days!

    Hi all, sorry for the lack of formal introduction (my name's Ronny btw! Longtime BYC reader/follower) but I have a male button acting strangely and am looking for help. A couple days ago I heard him sneezing and he's been making this water pump like swallowing motion constantly where he opens...
  18. DuckFrenzy247

    Help! My Duck is Limping

    Hey y’all, So I noticed my Pekin Duck was limping yesterday... I picked her up and looked at her legs. I know that there is something called bumble foot, not sure if that’s what this is... her foot isn’t bubbles up but it is somewhat swollen and warm to the touch... so I know she has some...
  19. NovaChooks

    Am I doomed?

    Hi there, I'm new here and to owning chickens. Being new I had no idea there was a risk for illness to be passed from chicken to chicken, I should have done my research better first :( I got a few chicks from a really sweet couple about 6 weeks ago. I went to their hobby farm and picked out...
  20. L

    Wry neck 9 week old Brahma

    I took in a chick born on Easter who's head is hung down and twisted to the side. She lifts it enough to eat and drink, but her flock started picking on her. She came to me and I have her with a 3 week old chick. From what I've read it sounds like wry neck due to muscular strain while in the...
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