
  1. P

    Impaction procedure 1.5 weeks ago, seemed better, now not eating and sleeping a lot

    Our 2 year old orpington had an incredibly sagging crop 2-3 weeks ago that would not empty. We took her to the vet and they removed a lot of material via tubes. Over 4-5 days we had her inside and managed to clear the rest. Last weekend she was reintroduced to the flock and immediately went on...
  2. F

    Sudden Death in quail, intestinal blockage?

    This post describes my attempt to determine the cause of a death of a quail, so it has lots of gross details! Please do not read if it will bother you. I went outside this morning to take care of my girls (three month old quail) and found a dying quail. She made no reaction as I reached for...
  3. Snowy Canadian

    Sick chicken having extreme trouble passing food, being tube fed, Help!

    Hello, I have a sick hen who went downhill due to un untreated case of scaly leg mites. I didn't realize anything was wrong until one day she was just on the ground in the corner, she could barely walk, and had stopped eating. By the time I realized what was wrong with her, and started treating...
  4. CatsMeowMix

    Bad Hen Eats EVERYTHING - help for new run material

    Hi all. I'm looking for some advice (🙄 LoL) We recently had an expensive and scary experience with our girl Rose: Thread 'GI Impaction aka Expensive Adventures with Rose' She is almost ready to...
  5. CatsMeowMix

    GI Impaction aka Expensive Adventures with Rose

    Hi all! I'm posting this as a little lesson/story in love...($$$ cha-ching) We've had our lovable flock of 4 for a year now. They are our Golden Girls: Blanch (German Biefelder), Sophia (Lavender Orpington), Dorothy (Barred Rock) and Rose (Buff Orpington). What started as a comfort purchase due...
  6. leighks

    Normal molting behavior?

    My barred rock Willow is going through her first adult molt (she’s 18 months old). She had bare spots on her back from the rooster over the summer, which have filled in nicely since she’s been molting since maybe mid August and the rooster is now separated. She recently lost her tail feathers...
  7. Kalifornsky

    Sick Emu Cured

    I recently had a sick emu, Kali, but through intervention his symptoms have cleared and he's happy again. I decided to share the details for posterity, in case anyone else has a sick emu with similar symptoms and needed a point of reference. Symptoms: He's always been a very small/skinny bird...
  8. Pundamilia

    Slow / Impacted Crop

    I have a problem with one of my girls - Bella - I wanted to ask you about... About four weeks ago, I started to notice Bella drinking more and her poos during the day were soft - sometimes watery. I reduced vegetable and fruit treats in case this was the cause but it continued. I then noticed...
  9. Loona

    Flushing the crop?

    I talked to a few vets yesterday to see what they do for impacted crops. The Avian vet did the incision to clean the crop out. That w/a 2 day stay was 1000 dollars. Then got a call back from a farm vet who knew chickens very well, experienced and he suggested to flush it out. Another called...
  10. bsides2007

    Duck impacted? Winter molting! Please help!

    I have 8 ducks of various breeds, all between 6 and 8 months old. I've noticed recently that one of my cayugas seems not to be eating much. a few days ago she had a giant frozen mass of poo stuck to her butt two days in a row (which I removed) and haven't seen since. They were only stuck to...
  11. H

    Crop Issue

    One of my hens seems to have a full crop. It's hard-ish and seems to feel like one of those stress balls with the rice in it. It's been like this for a while and I've tried massaging it and also tilting her upside down but nothing comes up. I don't want to hurt my hen. She's NOT losing...
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