
  1. Chikenshiken


    Two of my ducks were attacked by a raccoon around two weeks ago. Personality wise, they seem great and extremely active. However I’m growing concerned for both of their feet but mainly my smaller Pekin, Fae. He is the most active but his foot is blackening, smells, and doesn’t seem to harbor...
  2. M

    Dying chicken?

    Hi, so I am new to backyard chickens and I just got two chickens last week. A couple of days after getting them, we noticed that one of the chickens didn't move around as much and just stayed in the group while the other two went up in the coop. Whenever she tried to walk, she would flap her...
  3. K

    Duck with foot infection, or bad frostbite?

    Curious to see if anyone with more experience may have some insight into this strange situation. I have a Muscovy duck about five months old who I recently brought inside because his feet were getting really cold and were partially frozen (red and stiff). He was tripping over himself too...
  4. Flutterbudget

    Help, possible gapeworm?

    Hi all, Yesterday I noticed one of my ducks extending her neck and almost looking as if she were yawning, today I’ve noticed 4 of my ducks doing it on occasion and I’ve noticed a few little snicks and coughs, could it be gapeworm and is it transmittable from bird to bird? Or could it be...
  5. Gretaga

    Silkie Roo Foot infection ?

    Hi! My silkie roo has something going on with his feet. I can’t seem to figure it out exactly based on anything I see online; hopefully someone on here can help! I’ve cleaned both his feet to get a better look but am still not sure how to treat it. One foot seems far worse than the other. A few...
  6. L

    My 6 month old hen got her leg caught in an old fashion trap for 4 hours before I found her

    Her leg is injured all the way around, as the trap pinched her foot above the claw. I have put Neosporin on it and today we noticed a green bubble that has come up. I'm worried and am wondering if someone could tell me if I should take her into the vet.
  7. McCarter Farm

    Massive Tumor.. what was it? (Graphic)

    On Sunday I noticed one of my barnyard mix hens feathers were hanging down her leg. She was eating and otherwise seemed fine. I couldn’t catch her and get a better look until yesterday. When I went to check on her I did notice that there was a huge lump/tumor hanging down. (From one side of her...
  8. Lizmarie3242

    My baby turkey has a green wing!

    Can anyone tell me what this might be? There was a sore, with some blood. I cleaned it with poultry cleaner and put neosporin on it, and cut the feather pieces from around it. He’s mostly my pet more than anything. I have him inside in my room now separated from my other turkey. They are both...
  9. DucksAreAdorable

    Can i give this to my duck?

    I got this antibiotic from tractor supply it had alot of reviews about people using it on their dogs, cats, chickens, goats but the label says for cattle, swine. I already bought it due to everyone's reviews and was wondering if anyone on here has advise on whether I can use it on my duck which...
  10. R

    Pekin Duck Limping - Red lump and bumble foot

    I've had this Pekin duck for 7+ years since 2015 as a family pet. He lives in my backyard and has lived alone ever since his other ducks had died. I think he developed bumblefoot in about 2017 but since I was a naive child I didn't understand what it was until it got worse. When I finally...
  11. S

    Just lost another chicken, no idea on the illness

    Hey everyone. I just lost another chicken to a mystery illness. Symptoms: Lethargy, pus in eyes, not wanting food or water This is the second chicken I have lost to whatever this is, and I need some help. Her face wasn't swollen, no raspy breathing or coughing. The only thing I can think of...
  12. C

    NEED HELP PLEASE!! Chicken with bad leg

    I really need help don't know what to do next, thinking amputation but the vet is not available. If anybody knows a way to go about this please help. I've made more posts about my rooster with more information, but not much help as far as medical treatment for his foot. Here are the most recent...
  13. C


    I really need help don't know what to do next, thinking amputation but the vet is not available. If anybody knows a way to go about this please help. I've made more posts about my rooster with more information, but not much help as far as medical treatment for his foot. I try and dress him...
  14. georgieboy11

    Chicken with yellow infection in throat

    I swear it’s just one thing after another.. yesterday I was throwing grass into the run for the chickens and noticed one of my hens Mocha going to eat it but never actually picking it up and eating it. I checked her all over and see nothing wrong on the outside but noticed she smelled strongly...
  15. C

    AMPUTATION!!! need advice please !!

    Hello, so it's been an ongoing battle treating my rooster's foot. He's got arthritis in his right leg, and on top of that he lost some toes due to frostbite this last winter. I've been dressing the wound since and it was looking better for a while, and he got around just fine, but recently it's...
  16. proudduckowner22

    Cayuga Duck With Bumblefoot

    Hey y’all! I just recently purchased my first Cayuga ducks from someone who is downsizing their flock for winter, I bought 2 hens and a drake they are about 2 years old. When I purchased them, the person said that one of the hens had a bit of a limp, and she still has the limp right now, I went...
  17. C

    Infection? (Graphic photos)

    This chick was scalped 2 nights ago. The first night I used peroxide, saline and white cream Neosporin. The next morning I tried taking off the Neosporin but some of it wouldn't come off. I used saline and then iodine to rinse it after getting off as much cream as I could. Then applied clear...
  18. H

    Sick poult, possible infection

    I have nine bourbon red poults that are about two weeks old. One is not doing well this evening. His belly area seems swollen, there is a scab in that area. He is just standing with his eyes closed and wings drooped, letting the other poults run over him. Could it have an infection? Or be...
  19. katie_94

    Swollen wing on 12 week old chick [picture included]

    We have a suspected cockerel that we assume is 12 weeks old and breed is unknown. Two days ago right before closing the coop, I noticed that its wing was drooping and slightly larger and upon inspecting it, I see that it's wing is swollen and there's a patch of skin with fluid. I let my mom know...
  20. Nattyice

    Does he need an amputation?

    Hello guys I had an accident last week due to one of my cockatiels being on top of my canaries cage the other day manage to reach to grab one of them and did some damage. I haven’t made an appointment to the vet because I thought at the time when it happen it was some blood and was going to heal...
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