injured leg

  1. T

    Injured Brahma, severe limp

    Hey all, I’ve had an injured Brahma for a week now, at first there was no sign of injury, not even swelling, but she had a severe limp so I brought her inside and put her in a crate, and have been giving her 81mg of aspirin twice a day with scrambled eggs. She continues to eat, drink, and...
  2. M

    Leg injury or vitamin deficiency

    How do you tell the difference? I have a 6 month old brahma hen who lays with her one leg back behind her. I just got her up on a sling last night she had access to food and water at all times, have been giving her 3cc of poultry cell a day. It's been about a week. Just wondering if I need to...
  3. Astrohens

    Chick with very injured leg, please help!!

    Fiver is a 2 month old chick with an unknown leg injury. At first, it started off with a minor limp but it quickly got worse. I put him in a bird cage for 3 days and while I was changing the paper at the bottom I noticed his limp has gotten a lot worse, even with his time in the cage. Fiver’s...
  4. F

    Wet feather after broken leg.

    We have a female blue runner that was attacked by a raccoon. She suffered a broken leg. We kept her inside for a month while she healed away from the other ducks. Once she was moving around again, we would bring her outside to be social with the other ducks during the day and bring her back...
  5. Phenajo

    Lame duck Help!

    Hello, hoping someone may be able to offer advice. Our call duck has suddenly become lame in one leg. He is 3 years old and has previously always been in good health. He free ranges in the day in our garden with his brother, and is locked in a coop at night. 2 nights ago when I put him away, he...
  6. Ashleys backyard farm

    Injured foot! Please help!

    I have a neighbor with a small backyard flock. One of their chickens has an injured foot and mostly lays down. I went over to look at it and got some pictures. I want to help this chicken because these people are not properly taking care of her. They are starving her and providing no water or...
  7. Anime2lover

    Hurt leg, possibly became paralyzed???

    A few days ago one of my bantams hurt her leg. She was definitely feeling pain from it by the way she refused to put any weight on it and just hopped around. Immediately pulling it back up if she did accidently put weight on it. We took her in for rest and to search for injuries. There was blood...
  8. amynw

    Suddenly “off” chick leg? Injury or disease

    Hello, we purchased 6 Silver Laced chicks from rural king this last Sunday (1 week ago today). I’m assuming they’re no more than 2 weeks old. About 2 days ago I noticed 1 chicks leg was “off”. Balance was off, and it seems to be bending the opposite way but not at the knee, it seems like the...
  9. M

    How do you catch a sick duck in a pond - she can't get out

    Hi, My lovely Cayuga (Coogie) has hurt one leg, maybe because with the drought there are a lot of exposed rocks at the edge of my natural, spring-fed 1/2 acre pond. We built a ramp to help the ducks in and out when the water levels started to fall a month ago. She has tried to stand at the end...
  10. Nona_1808

    5 week chick broken leg joint healed crooked.

    Hello, I took my chick to the vet but was too late. We couldn’t take her sooner cuz of money issues. I didn’t want to put her down since she was healthy besides the leg and vet said she wasn’t in pain. We’d just have to keep an eye on her which I don’t mind, I wanna give her a happy adult...
  11. JenEphemerata

    Chick just hatched/assisted out of shell - injured leg and question

    This morning a teacher at my school noticed a chick with legs kicking and stuck in its shell so she assisted him out; its leg now shows an injury and there is a bulge with black sticking out between its legs: is this a slightly out of line anus that I can easily clean, or do you think it is...
  12. B

    Dislocated Quail Ankle

    Something transpired today where as one of my quail has dislocated their ankle/knee (whatever you decide to call it) and it seems completely unable to move, toes included. I know it is that joint because I felt it and it was loose. I love these birds but they're in pretty rough shape, I just got...
  13. B

    My chicken can’t stand

    There’s a small little gap behind my chicken coop and the fence surrounding them that I usually chase the chickens out of of they get stuck but my Welsummer was stuck back there, I think changed by my older hens, and she was laying on her side and when I pulled her out she couldn’t stand. I...
  14. lesliedow

    1 week old chick with injured leg

    Hi all So I have been reading the board but am not sure if this is a slipped tendon. When I try to feel if the tendon has slipped I cannot feel anything that seems out of place. I also cannot push anything back in place. When I run my finger over the flat side of the joint, it feels like the...
  15. S

    Chicken leg injury

    We have a backyard chicken who is 5- she recently developed a leg injury we can’t diagnose. The only symptom is that she won’t walk, she limps when walking and doesn’t want to get up. Her leg is not warm, tender to the touch or enlarged. During and briefly after her nightly epsom salt bath...
  16. MisaF

    Runner duck with dislocated hock

    Hi all! My runner drake dislocated his hock yesterday. I was standing there when it happened. He was laying down and stretched his leg behind him and the leg then stayed that way when he tried to get up. I picked him up to try to see what the problem was and I felt the hock pop back in. I took...
  17. M

    Broken leg? Injury healed crooked.

    So this curious girl went through the fence with our speckled Sussex and got hurt. The Sussex looked like she was in bad shape so I isolated and took care of the wounds. She’s fine now. This girl only looked like she had a tiny nick on her leg and scrape on her back. Those both healed quick and...
  18. K

    Young hen limping

    We have a Buff Laced Polish hen that we were trying to introduce to the flock we have today. She had no issues with mobility before we introduced her. We were supervising when our rooster started beating up on her pretty bad. We got her out and when we brought her inside, we noticed she was...
  19. C


    i have a duckling that’s around 4 weeks old and they were doing perfectly fine up until i came home from a trip this weekend. i came home and got them out of the cage i have them in and it was just laying or sitting down. i tried to get it to stand up but it wouldn’t. when it did it just fell...
  20. N

    Help! Silkie attacked by skunk!

    Hi everyone. Long story but bare with me. I have a Silkie flock of 10 that free range. One of them, Kit, went broody while free ranging and didn't return to the coop. I looked for her for an hour and couldn't find her. We have lots of skunks, raccoons, and possums that come into our property at...
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