
  1. S

    Urgent! Turkey leg injury - how to fix??

    Baby turkey (about 1 week?) was unfortunately placed with ducklings and received a leg injury. He was promptly removed and placed in a separate box. At the beginning, he balanced on one leg, and held the other up with toes curled. I put cardboard on his toes to straighten them out, and Internet...
  2. Kimmyshappychickens

    Just looking for support lol

    My dog just attacked one of my chickens... I've been crying all night lol. I love my animals so much, I know many of you understand this! He's a LG Dog (puppy) just under 5 months old and is 50+lbs so we've been training him and working with him every single day, all day. We just put a bunch of...
  3. 5OneChick

    4 Month Silkie Head Pecked almost raw - who done it?

    Our second little flock of 3 silkies (4-ish months) have shared a large yard with our original flock of 8 mostly standards (10 months: 7 girls 1 roo) The younger silkies spend days outside in pen area, deliberately not secure as I hoped they’d start adventuring out a bit. That also means the...
  4. Astrohens

    Injured Leg, Unable To Walk Properly

    One of our hyline brown hens has had their leg injured. I can’t see anything external but she is definitely in pain and is limping, and will usually lie down instead of standing. We don’t want to take her to the vet because of the cost, but is there any way to help her leg at home?
  5. K

    Wing problem

    I have a 9 month old buff orpington. The last few days she seems a little off. Eating and drinking normal. Poop normal. But she seems a little tired and stand offish. I picked her up to give her an inspection and from how she looks she is fine. But. When she started flapping her wings she only...
  6. E

    What is wrong with my quails foot?

    Hi!! New to quails. I’ve noticed these last few days my quail is slowing down and saw this on her foot. Not sure what to do :( please advise - no farm vets near by.
  7. Avadrawzstuff

    Help! Sunken chicken eye and two different eye colors?

    please help! I was hanging out with my girls today and I noticed one of my hens had 2 different eye colors. One is dark brown the other is yellowish-gold. I also noticed her eyes are sunken and weird looking. Both of them. Her eyes have always looked funky after previous eye injuries (that were...
  8. Fangeddeer

    Ducks front middle claw ripped off completely, should I be worried?

    I took my ducks swimming like usual, then I noticed my little one had something red on their toe, I took them (Still unsure of gender) out of their carrier, and realized their whole nail was gone, now that’s left is this red thing. I think it’s the quick? It doesn’t seem to hurt them because I...
  9. C

    Quail Foot injury

    Hi I’m new to keeping quail. This morning my dog got out and tried to jump on the quail cage. Unfortunately one of my quails was injured. She seems to be walking around ok I have her in a cardboard box in the bathroom. Her foot looks swollen. There was blood on the cage but I wasn’t able to see...
  10. C


    Hey everyone! I have spent the last ten days dealing with what I thought was vent gleet and caked on feathers. I used tweezers and got the "feather chunk" off above her vent to realize it was torn and scabbed. A fox attacked and I found my girl unable to walk good the next day and not coming out...
  11. Avadrawzstuff

    Yellow parchment paper looking crust on chickens comb?

    Can someobody help me please? My chickens comb is a yellowish weird color and it’s like crust or dead skin. What is this? She’s acting normal eating drinking laying etc and this happened just today. Any idea on what it is and if I should be worried? If I should be worried please tell me how to...
  12. E

    Need help! Baby chick broken/injured leg!!

    Hello and good evening, i ave got a baby chick whos leg is hurt and idk what it is, a bug bite, a broken leg here are some photos His leg got very swollen and as you cam see in the first pictures its veins are purple looking They are also sleeping a lot Please help!!!!!! Is it broken?
  13. K

    What is this?

    I’ve noticed this weird white spot above my chickens eye for the past two days. I don’t know if it’s a cut or something. What is it?
  14. R

    My chicken is limping and cant walk after hurting her leg but we dont know what to do or what it is

    My chicken is a 2 year old rhode island red, shes always been the smallest of the flock and recently we noticed she hasnt been walking. We found an injury on her leg. Its not appearing to improve. Please help, im attaching an image of her leg.
  15. L

    Aggressive Hens Toward Rooster

    Help! This is kind of urgent. So I have a Rhode Island Red hen who is fully grown, and just raised up 2 Silkies. One Silkie is a rooster and the other is a hen. NOTE: my RIR is very friendly and kind and I’ve never noticed any aggressive behavior from her. I decided to finally merge the two...
  16. Stellasmomma

    Please help with Silkie injury got in fight with other silkie hen sorry for the long post!

    Hello I am hoping for some help, I have 5 silkies all 11 weeks that my broody silkie hatched they stay in a flock together and seem to get along well the only male that hatched from this group that I am aware of is a Satin. I came out to find Eggs and her sister fighting she had her by the head...
  17. lvn80

    Toe wound treatment help

    Hi everyone I found a wound on one of my girls toes at the beginning of April. I'm not sure what happened but I cleaned it, applied polysporin and bandaged it. Over the course of a week I was able to remove a scab and then it started to get progressively worse. It developed a small blood...
  18. chicks78


    Help! My chick has been hurt my older chickens and I don’t know what to do. The skin on the back of her head has been removed. — - She’s about 3 weeks old - Her breathing is a bit off - She’s not eating or drinking water
  19. BudgiesQuailsChickens

    Quail with bump on right leg, has a limp.

    My quail has been limping for a bit now. I've looked at his leg a couple times and couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. I figured he may have pulled it or something. But today I checked it again to see if he pushed back against my hand at all (which he did some) and saw this bump on the...
  20. A

    rooster having swollen wattles, loss of balance and not eating..

    Today when i went to feed the chickens and let them out of the coop i noticed this one roosters' face/wattles being pretty swollen and also noticed that he was acting pretty unusual. He was walking a bit weird, raising his legs more than usual almost looking like he was marching and he has lost...
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