
  1. T

    Injured Brahma, severe limp

    Hey all, I’ve had an injured Brahma for a week now, at first there was no sign of injury, not even swelling, but she had a severe limp so I brought her inside and put her in a crate, and have been giving her 81mg of aspirin twice a day with scrambled eggs. She continues to eat, drink, and...
  2. C

    Hole on chicken's back?

    Hello! I have an almost 1 year old Polish/ frizzle hen that has a hole (?) on her back. It is almost entirely tucked under her wing. I noticed a naked spot on her back a couple of weeks ago. I sprayed her with Blue Kote (you can see the remnants of that). Today, I noticed that it was much...
  3. E

    Can this Rascal survive these attack wounds?

    Questions upfront, story with pics below (warning: images are gory): 1: Have you seen a chicken survive with wounds like these? 2: What besides the cleaning and clipping described below would you do to keep her clean? 3: How can we keep this feisty girl from going crazy while she is contained...
  4. C

    Turkey with punctured trachea

    My sweet tom Brad was attacked through the fence by my parents dog last night. Lots of blood and a snoring sound with breathing. Went to vet first thing this am and he has a punctured trachea Has anyone ever dealt with this?? The vet advised against surgery and says the hope is it will close...
  5. C

    Scalped to the Skull, Pullet Silkie

    I let the chickens out, and as I was putting egg shells in the compost I noticed someone was in the corner. I got her inside upon realizing she was injured, cleaned her with some soup and water (gently, with a clean wrag) then applied neosporin. She's currently in a cat carrier, and she's...
  6. H

    Tips on how to care for a one-eyed chicken

    So this morning, my smallest chicken survived a hawk attack. She's 3 years old and I'm pretty sure she's now blind in her right eye, which I think is the eye that she used to see things up close. After being frozen for a few minutes, she started walking around. I threw her favorite food in...
  7. M

    Leg injury or vitamin deficiency

    How do you tell the difference? I have a 6 month old brahma hen who lays with her one leg back behind her. I just got her up on a sling last night she had access to food and water at all times, have been giving her 3cc of poultry cell a day. It's been about a week. Just wondering if I need to...
  8. PandemicChicken

    Hen pecking at dirt where there was a heating fuel/oil spill! Wiped her soil-stained beak & very strong oil smell

    One of my hens keeps getting into the area where heating fuel/oil spilled all over the ground a month ago. The ground was covered in leaves & I thought was frozen, but she managed to dig/peck her way through to reach the soft soil where there’s still oil residue/fuel that got absorbed into the...
  9. Plant_Hoarder

    Severed toe tip, unsure what to do

    Hello, so I am back because I had ANOTHER predator get at my chickens about 3 days ago :he The only ones in the crossfire were my two young brahma hens. One is now missing, and this one sustained only an injury to the toe. She somehow managed to sever the skin and muscle around the toe ( I'm...
  10. J

    Back of hen's head degloved?

    I went out this morning to find one of our hens in their enclosed run with the back of her head like this! It almost looks degloved. I can't find any other injuries and none of the other chickens are injured or missing. The back of our rooster's legs do have dried blood on them so my suspicion...
  11. M

    Need help with options for over eager rooster

    We have 2 roosters. One small and one large one. Both the same age. We have 10 hens all about the same age as well. In November my big rooster got ahold of one hen and when trying to mate with her bit her neck too hard and broke skin. When we noticed it had been a couple days and the other...
  12. S

    Infection in hens face near ear?

    I noticed 4 days ago a small lump on one side of my 7 month old Blue Andelusion hen’s face. I went out of town, returned tonight. I went to check on her and it’s increased in size, and is affecting her ability to open her eye all the way. The other side of her face is completely normal. I...
  13. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Recently the humidity has been harder to control in my duck house than usual, and now my boys feet don’t look good. I’m assuming the humidity + cold has done it, or helped do it ? I don’t fully believe it’s bumble foot as some of these cut like things have a scaly / ridged sort of texture. I...
  14. M

    My recovering rooster - need tips to fight cabin fever

    Hi all! I have an injured rooster with a fractured femur, and he is living inside for the winter in a large dog playpen. His recovery is actually going quite well and he is in good spirits, but I think he is (understandably) bored. Any ideas for how to keep him from going nuts while he...
  15. BitterSweetCitrus

    URGENT: Torn Skin and a Need for Advice

    About six days ago my girl was mauled and I have been tending to her wounds, one of her injuries was the first layer of skin being ripped off her. What I didn’t notice was she has a very deep flap hiding the second layer of skin that is detached from the second. It looks quite nasty. Our vet is...
  16. Fallenone05

    Injury or cooties?

    Today I noticed my little Queen walking sideways. At first I thought she was about to sprawl out in the sun but I noticed her eye is very wet. She isn't displaying any sneezing or sniffles, is walking around fine, but her eye is SUPER wet. Trying to get a good still image of her one handed was...
  17. CreativeChicken08

    Had to amputate chick’s toe!!

    Earlier today, a chick by the name of Mazzio (it could have been a different one) a door accidentally smashed on the poor chick’s toe, breaking the bone. We had to amputate the tiny toe, since it was only hanging on by a thread of skin. The poor chick (who’s name we changed to Bethany, like...
  18. C

    Should open wounds be kept moist or dry?

    (Reposting from reddit because the people on reddit are not helpful) I had a hen get the back of her necked ripped off yesterday, about 2" long and an inch wide. Sounds severe, but this is the fourth time I've dealth with this. I have absolutely no idea why they feel the need to scalp each...
  19. J

    Goose Eye Injury?

    Hello everyone! Long time since I've posted but I have a question for anyone that might know what's going on with an eye of one of my white embden geese. I noticed a couple months ago something was up with his (Guardy)'s eye but I don't know what. It doesn't seem to impair him at all but it's...
  20. A

    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Story: So I go outside to check on my flock since I’m kind of traumatized (more paranoid than traumatized) to make sure the previous incident doesn’t happen😢, and I check on all: they’re good, I think till I was about to leave but I think why not check my solo quail buddies (have been trying to...
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