
  1. MeoWusical

    Insulating a Coop

    Hello everyone! I currently built a coop that I bought off of Amazon and it comes with a run. The coop is for my ducks, and I’m planning to get more. However, inside the coop itself is not big enough for 10 ducks, so I want to insulate the attached run, and get one more to attach and insulate as...
  2. ChickensInMA

    Seramas in Winter

    Do any other Northerners have experience with seramas in the winter? Here in the Boston Area, the coldest we get is about 0ºF to -5ºF, but we have sustained temperatures in the teens. I have three birds that are basically the Caribbean version of seramas, and I'm worried about winter with them...
  3. Coopin Is a Habit

    Metal Roof In Wisconsin Winters - Insulation? Foam caps? Plywood? Or will just purlins do?

    Title pretty much says it all. Do I need to have vapor barrier on plywood, purlins, then foam closure strips, and then roof? Or will birds do just fine with just the metal roof on purlins. It will have very good insulation as it is a Woods Open air coop. Thanks in advance for any answers!
  4. K

    Over ez coop in winter

    Hello!!! I have done a ton of research about winterizing chicken coops but I would like to ask specific questions about my coop that I havent been able to find. We live in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan in the snow belt where we get TONS of snow and the temps can stay at 0 or below for weeks...
  5. MaggieRose2001

    Newbie getting ready for winter - Insulating? Closing down Windows?

    Hi. This is my first time owning chickens. We built a coop this summer. Now that it is getting into the 50's here in Maine, I am starting to become concerned for winter. I know there are a lot of posts concerning this - but I was hoping to get more specific help concerning my coop. After all my...
  6. M

    R15 insulation in Vermont?

    I have built my new coop and want to insulate with rockwool. The problem I’m finding is the only insulation available right now is R15. Is this enough for my coop? My plan is not to heat (except for extreme temperature drops) in the winter and the coop will not be drafty. Thank you for your advice.
  7. Chickeeaholic

    How my Brahma chick got her new name. (Lesson learned)

    How my chick got her new name...(long) Being a new chicken mama I have a lot to learn. I learned one lesson yesterday. Yesterday my husband brought home 4 cute ducklings. They went into the chicks brooder. The chicks were all in their new intermediate coop. A halfway house that has...
  8. N

    Grain bin coop insulation and wintering?

    I am looking to make a larger chicken coop out of a small, already owned grain bin. I have plans for summer weather which are relatively simple. But for winter, I don’t know how to insulate a space this large cost effectively. Hay? I have winters of up to negative 50 Celsius, and if I can’t keep...
  9. Boonie Stomper

    Chickens love STYROFOAM! Eating Again, Polystyrene!

    Its amazing what lengths chickens will go to for a crop full of styrofoam cooler or polystyrene packing often used as insulation. :pop Mine have never shown any illness from having eaten a little of it in the past. But though I've tried to get it away from and keep it from them in the past, I...
  10. ChickenTenderKesha

    Spray foam insulation?

    I’m looking for any suggestions for spray foam insulation to use in both of my coops? I’ve been planning on using it just in my small coop but it would be worth the money to just do them both. I’m unsure of the size of the coops but I’m mainly looking for suggestions based on the quality of...
  11. Mudma

    New Member

    Hi my name is Brenda and run a B&B in Nova Scotia Canada and Ioved the idea of raising chickens for eggs at the B&B. I local fellow was building his first chicken coop and offered to build mean at the same time, great! I purchased 8 road island reds and 4 guinea fowl. I am extending the run buy...
  12. piyo piyo

    Insulation Needed?

    Do I need insulation when building a coop? Some articles say yes and some say no.
  13. MotherOfChickens

    Insulation Question

    Two years ago, I built an 8 ft x 20 ft run. It is enclosed on 2 sides and has a tin roof. Well, something I did not think about was the radiant heat off that tin roof. There is no wood under it. So the only thing I can try to do is put insulating boards between the rafters. So my question is...
  14. zinnia5117

    Any experience or recommendations with the Sym Coop in Portland Oregon?

    Hi everyone, I’m starting to seriously get ready to build a coop. I like the idea of the “Sym Coop” design from “Reinventing the Chicken Coop”. There is a link that shows pictures. My one concern is that I bet it gets a bit colder up here in the Portland (OR) area...
  15. brksmith

    venting a coop using a pipe and keeping the coop warm

    In the 1907 book "Poultry Architecture - A Practical Guide for Construction of Poultry Houses, Coops and Yards", George B Fiske states a couple of things that seem to be contradictory to a couple of mainstream current ideas that I'm finding both in current books and on this site and others. I'm...
  16. Keeperoflock

    Suggested Humidity Levels Question

    I have a humidity monitor in my coop. It's my first winter with them and was wondering what the best range of humidity inside the coop would be. I have 15 7 mo. old pullets. I have good ventilation, 2x4 roosts and have a poop board. The coop is wooden with a wooden floor, 8x8 square with...
  17. CanadaEh

    can mice climb the vertical coop walls (siding, OSB, 2x4)?

    I am re-purposing old shed for a chicken coop. The shed constructed of siding, 1/2" OSB on exterior, 2x4s, and 3/8" OSB on interior. I have already cut off the lower 2' of interior OSB all around (1' for deep litter + 1' to allow chickens to stand in the wall space and adding 7" to coop's width...
  18. spiritpots

    my first coop - pallet/insulation question

    I live in Minnesota and am working on plans to build my first coop to accommodate 5-6 chickens. My plan is to build a 24 sq.ft. coop, which from what I have read is the advised 4 sq.ft. of coop space per hen. There will also be a 72 sq.ft. attached, covered run for the chickens when they are not...
  19. Keeperoflock

    Coop Ventilation and Cold Weather Question

    We are GOING to work on the coop HOPEFULLY this weekend as long as this crazy weather will allow it. They are calling for rain AGAIN this weekend. But that's another story. Don't get me started.... My question is... we live in an area that can get EXTREMELY cold (has gotten but not very...
  20. ChickenGirl555

    Chickens are eating insulation

    I have 8 pullets and 6 of them are going nuts for the insulation of the bottom of the coop. It’s just plain styrofoam, but I’m worried if this will harm them. I try to stop them, pushing them away from it when they try to eat it, but they’re sneaky and do it while I fill the waterer or the...
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