internal pip

  1. O

    Help with duck eggs!!

    I had 12 viable duck eggs at lockdown, raised the humidity to 65-70 percent and left them, I had 3 hatch, 4 internally pip but no external pop and died, 2 I think popped through a blood vessel as lots of bruising on the egg and looked to be leaked blood everywhere when I candles them, and the...
  2. M

    Call duckling having trouble with internal pip?

    It's day 26 hatching some call duck eggs - I've hatched many chook eggs before, but this is my first go with duck eggs. People say calls can need assistance, so I've done all the research I can. However, there's one that looks like he's trying to internally pip, but not breaking the membrane -...
  3. N

    Assisted hatch - uh oh, too early?!

    I am on day 24 of my first hatch. I have had 29 successful chicks hatch from day 20-21 and 6 eggs remaining. I candled and listened to the remaining eggs and all but 1 appeared dead. That one was chirping away loudly around 8 hours ago. I listened to it now and it sounded very weak and only on...
  4. weavingpachtie

    What to do with half-abandoned, chirping egg?

    I have a broody hen who was sitting on 3 eggs--one hatched Sunday, one hatched yesterday, and the 3rd is chirping and moving today. However, every time I go out there, Granite (mama hen) is out with her other 2--but the egg is still warm to the touch when I feel it. I brought it in and put it on...
  5. basiljowii

    Internal Pip?

    Does anyone know if this is an internal pip? The duckling has been quite lively and moving his egg around the incubator and then we saw this, is it an internal pip or just where he’s been pushing against it? p.s the hole in the egg is so it doesn’t suffocate
  6. basiljowii

    Call Duck Hatching

    We have a call duck egg that is trying to internally pip, we first noticed it trying to internally pip on day 25 and it is currently day 26, about to be day 27 and it still hasn't managed to internally pip however we can still see it trying (We aren't opening the incubator we can see the air...
  7. sjhart18

    Assisting without an internal pip...

    Hello! I know this is a super controversial topic and that there are very strong opinions about whether or not to assist in general. I'm asking specifically about what to do if the chick has been trying to break through the inner membrane for at least 24 hours. Stats: - Local chicken egg...
  8. S

    Internal pip

    Hi, does this look like internal pipping? I can't see the distinc air cell line anymore. But couldn't see baby moving at the time I took this pic. They are now in lockdown so don't want to open the incubator again.
  9. alluzivesducks

    Duck Egg Internal Pip?

    So it’s day 23 for this ducky and the air cell has increased a LOT in the past few days. I marked it on day 21 and you can definitely see the difference now! I just checked on ducky to see what he’s up to, is this an internal pip on day 23? I can not hear chirping, the egg has been rocking and...
  10. M

    Internet pip but no movement day 22

    Hi All, Is this an internal pip? The air sac also looks misshapen so I’m not sure what is going on. 3 eggs all hatched day 21 but this one isn’t making any progress. No movement or chirping either when I tap on the egg. These were shipped eggs and only 4 of 13 made it to lockdown so something...
  11. D

    Advice on duck egg not internally pipped

    This is my first post but I have used this site many times for past advice. I have 3 duck eggs. 2 hatched within 12 hours of each other. I have one more that I do not believe has internally pipped yet. It is still alive but I am not sure if There is anything I can do or if I should just leave it...
  12. N

    Internal pip over 24/48 hours

    I've got my last mascovey duck egg in the incubator day 37 (normal 35) and it's had an internal pip for at least 48 hours, no external pip. I don't necessarily hear any noise but I can see a lot of movement and when I whistle and tap at the egg I hear slight tapping inside. Should I make a...
  13. Maz85

    Is this internal pip?

  14. F

    Over 48 hours since internal pip and no external pip - gone quiet and no movement

    Hi, need some advice! Hatching some chicken eggs (first time!) one egg started cheeping over two days ago - was vocal for a day and then went quiet. I candled today (I know I probably shouldn’t have but with no external pip I hope it won’t have done any damage?!) and the chick has internally...
  15. C

    Day 29 no internal pip

    Hi all, I put this egg into a homemade incubator in the mid afternoon of 24th September. I counted 25th as day 1. Today is now day 29 and there is no internal pip. There is plenty of movement when I candled it but it just doesn’t look right. The air sac looks small and I can see it’s beak...
  16. A

    Internal pip question ?

    So my duck eggs are beginning to hatch early. Day 24, For the past couple okays it looks like some where internally pipping, but I wasn’t able to hear any chirping. This morning in one egg I heard chirping and there’s a big dark spot where it’s trying to externally pip. What I’m asking is a...
  17. Q

    Day 30 call duck eggs

    It’s day 30 for my call duck egg and I took it out yesterday to see wether it was going to hatch or not, there was some movement going on inside and very clear and distinct veins, but no internal pip which is obviously quite unusual... however when I got up this morning there was what looked to...
  18. R

    Call duck hatching newbie

    I have 9 call duck eggs in lockdown, hatching day starts tomorrow afternoon (day 26). Wondering what other people’s experiences are with the day that call duck eggs internally pip. 1. Is it right on hatching day or day(s) before? im also feeling concerned because the air cells vary from the...
  19. A

    HELP! Day 30! Duck eggs! Not sure if pipped.

    Please help! I have 4 duck eggs. One of them externally pipped and took 48 hours to start making progress. Shortly after this, the duck died, so I think I should have intervened earlier. Right now, only one of the three has externally pipped. He pipped about 18 hours ago, but hasn’t made...
  20. G

    No internal pip on day 22

    Hi all! I've just incubated some eggs and some externally pipped on day 20 and all except 1 hatched on day 21. It's day 22 now and the only egg left has no internal pip, I candled it and there is lots of movement in the egg and thick veins Is it normal to be so far behind? Anyone else had this...
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