intro introduction new member

  1. B

    Introduction to BYC!

    Hi All, My name is Nick and I recently fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming a flock owner. I now have 9 chickens of various breeds and they are all living happily between the coop and their massive run. Looking forward to interacting with you all! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did...
  2. A

    Insert Chick Pick-up Line Here:

    Salutations, my most excellent dudes! New to raising chickens, and I’ve probably done everything wrong at least once. I totally got fleeced from UrbanNorthern Coops and paid an obscene amount for a coop that has the structural integrity of a wet cardboard box. On a positive note, I haven’t lost...
  3. JTsfunnyfarm


    Hey! flow: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chickens last year! I’m on my second batch of chicks now! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 8 chicks 4 Roos 8 hens We also have a mixed breed flock of ducks! (3) What breeds do you have...
  4. D

    5 Chicks and Counting - First ever flock family

    Hi, My name is Terry and my family just bought 5 chicks that are a week old. We don't know their sex yet. We've never raised chickens but intend to see how we do with these first 5 and then begin to grow the flock. Hopefully, we'll do well enough we can fill up a 5 acre plot of land for all...
  5. K

    Hello from hot and muggy FL! First time chicken owner, learning the ropes!

    Hello, I am new to owning chickens-just got them last Saturday, and it's super interesting to see how quick they grow and learn. I have 6 chicks, all (I think) a week and 3 days old, 3 buffingtons and 3 rhode island reds. It's been a learning curve for sure, I've never had birds before, looking...
  6. L

    LittlesNBigs self introduction

    My partner and I just started raising chickens recently. We got our plans together, talked to our parents and siblings who all have their own flocks and decided to commit. We were convinced to start with leghorns and Americano, though Silkies barely missed the cut. We checked with our local...
  7. Vicky Ann Painting

    I am newbie - Vicky Ann

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? At Thanksgiving of 2021 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 1 Roo, and 6 hens (3) What breeds do you have? Ayam Cemani Rooster, 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte Hens (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard...
  8. Zeebraore


    I’ve been a member for over a year but I’m not sure if I ever made an introduction post. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’ve had chickens since May of 2021. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently have 15. 2 that are almost a year old and the...
  9. bigsis08


    Hi all! We just got our batch of 12 chicks. We helped my parents raise chickens before but this is our first personal flock. We have 4 cinnamon queens, 4 Rhode island reds and 4 austrolorpe (or maybe wynadotte, can't remember). My husband and I have a daughter and a son (5 & 8 respectively)...
  10. 907poultry


    Finally got around to doing this, hello I am a small poultry enthusiast from Southcentral/Southeast/Western Alaska (Family from opposite sides, I’ve been around). The obsession began with ducks and now extends to geese, turkey, chickens, coturnix, pheasant, guinea, pigeons and in the future I...
  11. MikailaF

    New from Eastern Washington

    Hi there! I just welcomed home my first flock of chicks! I'm so excited to start this journey of suburban chicken raising! I've wanted chickens for several years and the time has finally come! After TONS of research, we built our own coop and run and are looking forward to raising a happy...
  12. D

    New to Chickens from Michigan

    I am a brand new chicken keeper. I'm 24 and live in a small house with my husband and two cats in south Michigan. I love all kinds of animals, and I've always wanted to try my hand at raising chickens once we had space for it. I love farm fresh eggs and the idea of being a little bit more...
  13. Kaitlyn_HK

    New member introduction

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens for about a year but did not grow up with them. So it's been a new experience. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 8 chickens, as well as 2 chicks and 4 ducklings. (3) What breeds do you have? I...
  14. DClopein

    Overly Aggressive Hen Toward New Flock Members

    I need advice. 😥 I have a hen who is super aggressive toward my new polish hens. I know the whole pecking order deal but its been a few weeks with introducing them thru separate cages & allowing them to coexist under supervision while free ranging. I have a brahma hen who is SUPER aggressive...
  15. Hardir

    Bay Area Backyard Chickens

    Hi All, I am a new chicken owner. My family of four built a coop and acquired 6 young chickens (city limit). We were hoping for laying hens, but I am worried 4-6 of them are roosters. Now I’m trying to figure out how to rehome the roosters as they are illegal in the city 😩. We know one for SURE...
  16. C


    I'm pretty new to bird keeping, I just moved onto my family's homestead! I have a mix of Easter eggers and Cornish, with a few outliers like my Orpington and Sussex! Outside of chickens I also have ducks and turkeys! I started raising chickens because I'm homebound due to health issues, and...
  17. Tea_Birbs

    Hello! :)

    HELLO BYC! I’m a young chicken lover and I want to be more educated and help more chicken lovers out. My goal is to become a better chicken owner and help you guys too! Sadly I don’t have a farm to keep unlimited amounts of chickens but I’d love to experiment and experience everything that...
  18. aubviouslycornyhomestead


    hi this is aubviously corny homestead we are brand new in homesteading (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? we are newer to chickens we got five in nov2020 and then we got 13 more chickens and 13 ducks in mar2021 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? we have 17...
  19. S

    Chicken aunty checking in!

    Hello! I'm new to posting (but not new to reading the forums, it's been an awesome chicken resource for years for me!) I'm a chicken aunt as I don't own chickens myself but my big sis in Florida does and much like human children and aunties, I'm the one who sends the $$ and the info to take...
  20. N

    My introduction

    hi everyone.! I’m Nikki me and my kiddos have had our girls for a year now in April.! We have had them since they were a couple days old we raised them in a brooder.! We had five hens Breed australorp. One recently past away. But I’ve names my four after the golden girls 🥰
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