
  1. Mystic7

    Coop design needed for the Middle East persecuted & poor

    Working with persecuted Chistians, other minorities, and women in the Middle East is heartbreaking. The lives of the poor are worse than animals. In Pakistan poor Christian adults work for 100 to 300 rupees - less than 1 to 2 dollars daily. Small children work daily for much less. 12 hens will...
  2. TheChickenTrainer

    Chicken walking like a penguin.

    If you look up "chicken walking like a penguin", a lot of times it will come up as (this chicken may be egg bound) but don't let that fool you. There can be quite a few reasons to why your pet chicken may be walking like a penguin (dinosaur) (sumo wrestler) etc. which needs to take immediate...
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