judge my chicken

  1. Timbers Happy Hens

    Silkie sop buff hen

    Hey, could anyone help me determine the quality of my buff silkie hen? I’m new to judging birds but I think that she has a lot of really nice qualities. Probably not quite show quality but much better than any hatchery stock. On a side note does anyone know what colors I’d get if I breed her to...
  2. Cyprus

    Judge my D'Uccles!

    I'm looking to see what others think of my two D'Uccles, how they compare and how close or far they are from the SOP. So, please feel free to judge them in accordance with the ABA breed standards :D All input is welcome and constructive criticism is encouraged. They are of the Mille Fleur...
  3. Miriah132

    Judge my chickens! (Marans/cream Legbars)

    So I want to attend a show this September just to get the experience. I don’t plan on winning best of show or anything lol but can someone look at my chickens and tell me which one/s you would take to the show? Obviously these are not great pictures at all and they’re a few weeks old. Pictures...
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