lash egg?

  1. MandS

    Egg trouble - possible lash or something else?

    Hi I've had many lash eggs from hens over the years. Most are the yellow cheesy type, varying in size and like a cooked egg mass (hardened puss). One of my hens, about 3.5 years old, stopped playing a few weeks ago. She's very active, no crop issues, loves her food, however she is thin and her...
  2. G

    Lash Egg ??? Treatment

    Hi, My egger recently laid a soft egg...I didn't know it was her at the time. I gave extra calcium though they were already getting it.She before this had been acting like she wasn't feeling well. She wasn't moving much. Just kind of laying around with her eyes closed... .Then 2 nights ago I...
  3. chickenmomma1108

    older hen with watery poops, slow crop issue (now sour?), slow moving

    Hey, I've got a Lavender Orpington hen of ~4 years old (weighs 6.4 lbs - nice and lovely feathers) that was standing away from our flock yesterday - tail down and moving slowly. We brought her home to watch for her intake of water (I added electrolytes) and have grit available. She hasn't laid...
  4. Jasfarm

    Lash Egg? Soft-Shelled?

    Hello - We found this today - we have a mixed flock of all hens - three are 2+ years old and four are 9 months old. No smell. The three 2 year olds - americuanas never have really laid since we adopted them for retirement. Maybe a dozen over the course of a year. Debbie - the Buff Orp lays...
  5. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    Hello everyone, my baby gal is finally of age to lay eggs. She had her first egg yesterday (at time of writing this) along with something else. The day before yesterday I noticed slight tail pumping along with slight heavy breath taking. I was worried she was egg bound or having troubles, so I...
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