Lash Egg? Soft-Shelled?


Nov 16, 2021
New England
Hello -

We found this today - we have a mixed flock of all hens - three are 2+ years old and four are 9 months old. No smell.

The three 2 year olds - americuanas never have really laid since we adopted them for retirement. Maybe a dozen over the course of a year. Debbie - the Buff Orp lays well, but stopped over winter. This could be hers.

The littles - I hope it isn’t them, but from reading other posts maybe it’s just a misfire?

I’d welcome any advice! I know lash egg isn’t always a death sentence, but I’d love to know what to keep an eye out for.

Thank you!!


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Even with no smell and a yolk?
Even though they're called "lash eggs", its not even an egg, its actually puss from an infection in the oviduct.
Is there something I should do?
For now I'd try and figure out who laid it.
Go check all your girls abdomens and see if one of them is bloated. The abdomen is located underneath the vent and in between the legs.
Also pay attention and see if one of them is waddling when walking.
Yes, you could. Although at this point antibiotics may not help.
Even though they're called "lash eggs", its not even an egg, its actually puss from an infection in the oviduct.

For now I'd try and figure out who laid it.
Go check all your girls abdomens and see if one of them is bloated. The abdomen is located underneath the vent and in between the legs.
Also pay attention and see if one of them is waddling when walking.

Yes, you could. Although at this point antibiotics may not help.
Ok! Thank you! I’ll go out there now and see who might be the culprit. Poor peanuts :(
Go check all your girls abdomens and see if one of them is bloated. The abdomen is located underneath the vent and in between the legs.
I checked Debbie and the Littles's bellies - everyone seems fine. The two that NEVER let us touch them are the americuanas, but no waddling or penguin stance. I did find, what I think was another lash egg, outside of their run. How it got there, I have zero clue, but I did let them free range for a little yesterday and I clean out the run daily. One of the americuanas - Jeanne - has had some type of issue ever since we adopted her. From bumblefoot to vent gleet she has had it all. I would not be surprised if it was her. I will keep monitoring and see if I can find who it is and then treat them ASAP!
I checked Debbie and the Littles's bellies - everyone seems fine. The two that NEVER let us touch them are the americuanas, but no waddling or penguin stance. I did find, what I think was another lash egg, outside of their run. How it got there, I have zero clue, but I did let them free range for a little yesterday and I clean out the run daily. One of the americuanas - Jeanne - has had some type of issue ever since we adopted her. From bumblefoot to vent gleet she has had it all. I would not be surprised if it was her. I will keep monitoring and see if I can find who it is and then treat them ASAP!
Did you end up finding out who laid the lash egg?
Did you end up finding out who laid the lash egg?
It was so sad - it was Tina (an amerucana). She passed on March 5. :( Jeannie who has allll the issues, is still just trucking along. I am convinced she will out live me! Thank you for checking back in!

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