lay eggs

  1. ChickenDad19

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    I have 6 hens all a little over a year old. One of my Brahmas has just gone broody. Pulled the feathers off her belly, won’t leave the nesting box, screeching at me and the other hens if we come near, the whole thing. I’m unable to give her fertilized eggs or babies, so I am going to try putting...
  2. M

    BLW not laying at 9months

    Hi all, I have seven Blue Laced Wyandottes that were hatched around Easter this year (mid-April). One’s a rooster, so six hens. Most of them are pretty dark, but two of the hens have lighter/almost lavender feathers with red lace. Those two, the lighter ones, started laying about a month ago...
  3. K

    Young ducks haven't laid eggs in 2 years

    Hi all, I am so lost on what to do about my girls. I have two females that in the first year laid eggs daily but after that they stopped completely. They both stopped around the same time, December of 2021. Since it was winter, I thought nothing of it but almost 2 years later and they still...
  4. M

    Chickens not laying

    Hi i have 4 chickens. One is an Easter egger, blue sapphire, red sex link, and silkie. They are all hens for sure. They are now about 21 1/5 weeks old. They have a run. Have been on layer feed. Have two nesting boxes. Have a coop. But they haven’t laid a single egg. I’m worried I’m doing...
  5. Launchpad

    Pekin female laid first egg. Need nutritional advice

    Hello all. So Daphne (pictured) is just over 6 months old and laid her first egg (pictured) this morning (it seems a little small but I think this may be normal for the first egg(s)). I knew it was coming as she has been sleeping in the coop in the same spot and making her little nest in the...
  6. Browniethechicken

    How do I get ready for 18 weeks girls ready to lay eggs?

    My girls are 18 weeks old today and I am wondering what I need to do to get them ready to lay eggs. This may not be a fruitful endeavor at this point as it is almost October in New England but I’m wondering what to do with the nest boxes which up until now I have them closed off. What do I need...
  7. Jrbd82

    Small eggs - whyyyyy???

    OK I’m not talking fairy eggs- but all of my ducks eggs seem to be getting smaller and smaller. Will not seem to be… They are. They’re the size of my chicken eggs and sometimes smaller. What could be the reason for this? They are not new layers. Their eggs are fertile and vine as I just hatched...
  8. LizaHenelli

    White spots on egg?

    Hello everyone! My girls started laying last week. I am getting about two eggs a day since most of them are not ready just yet, but I just found this egg from a new hen (her first egg) outside the nesting box. It’s bigger than the ones the Sussex have been giving me, but it’s covered in spots...
  9. BuffyOrpha

    3 buff orphintons hens in need of new home

    I love my hens, but I have a pain in the behind neighbor, am tired of her complaining that they make too much noise, meanwhile she has 2 dogs that bark all the time. If someone in the new york city area would like 3 beautiful hens... 2 of them are one year old and 1 of them is 6 yrs old... they...
  10. BuffyOrpha

    Free: 3 hens need a new home (NYC)

    I love my hens, but I have a pain in the behind neighbor, am tired of her complaining that they make too much noise, meanwhile she has 2 dogs that bark all the time. If someone in the new york city area would like 3 beautiful hens... 2 of them are one year old and 1 of them is 6 yrs old... they...
  11. eveleychook

    9 MONTHS Old Still Not Laying???

    I have a few pullets, most of them nearly 9 months of age. Some of them have large dark red combs and wattles. My blue Australorp, my welsummer pullets and Gold Laced Barnavelder have nice combs. When will they still start laying? Please see images below.
  12. 1234chicken4321

    Hens started laying in winter?

    I have 6 free range (UK) hens and four started laying pretty much daily a month or so ago and for three of these it's their first eggs (chicks from the summer). I have had chickens for as long as I can remember and we have always just accepted that they stop laying in winter (and never made any...
  13. Catbutts

    When my Brahma going to lay egg?

    Hello. I got two 4 months old light brahma on July 6, and it's been a while now but they didn't show any sign of egg laying. (They are around 33 weeks old now) Ps. The chicken that in the picture is not the same chicken
  14. mrswright091716

    First time Egg!!!

    Hello Friends, So my chicken Pigeon Toady (silkie hen) laid her first egg this morning!!! I am so proud of her. This is her bery first egg. Posted a pic below of her egg. Also she’s only about 6months old, so I was surprised. How does it look? Should I rinse it off ? Is it ok to eat? We had...
  15. Raysal

    Does the Kelso hen lay eggs

    Hi i have a kelso hen and want to know at what age does it lay eggs and if it lays eggs thankyou my hen looks like this one
  16. Little Chicken Lady

    When did your Production Reds start laying?

    I have a production red that is 16 weeks old and looks like she is ready to lay, but she hasn't found much interest in nesting boxes and doesn't squat. A friend of mine got a production red from the same hatchery as I did, the same week even, and her pro red started laying this week. I think...
  17. E

    Ducks Not Laying

    We got 2 older hens from some people about 2-3 weeks ago. They are a Cayuga and Runner. We added them to our flock while we were rearranging/ giving away some of our males. Despite being around 3 years old, they haven’t laid a single egg yet. One of them was sitting on her eggs for about 30 days...
  18. H

    Hen Missing Feathers--Has Stopped Laying

    Hi Everyone! I need some advice for one of my laying hens, please. Background: we have four laying hens, all at least 9 months old. We bought them in March, fully grown, from a friend who loves rare breeds. Our hens have a large coop, and free-range in a large area of our backyard every day. We...
  19. H

    Chicken bleeding and having a yellowish whitish liquid coming out

    I am a new chicken owner and I got up this morning and I seen that one of the chicken have blood and a liquid coming out of here butt please help
  20. Rdillenbeck

    Ducks quit laying eggs?

    Hello all this is Rebecca and it is my first time raising ducks. We have five cayucas in total four females and one male. They seem to all be getting along well after integrating my older 3 ducks with my younger two ducks born in May and August respectively. The new transition together was late...
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