
  1. B

    “Sick” hen

    Good morning… We have a six month old buff Orphington hen. I came out to the run this morning she is standing in the corner with her head down looking like she’s going to fall asleep standing up. She’s very lethargic, picked her up and brought her inside to monitor her condition.… Does anyone in...
  2. M

    Lethargic, messy rear

    I have a barred rock hen that is 6 months old and she has been lethargic for a couple days now and her rear is quite messy. I clipped away messy feathers a few days ago also. There’s no blood in the stool or visible worms. She did eat a little this morning. I have 8 other hens that seem fine...
  3. T

    Egg bound, vent gleet, or??

    Advice appreciated! My chicken seemed fine then suddenly I noticed today her crop and under her vent were bulging. Either I didn’t notice anything sooner or it came on suddenly. It looks like her feathers are missing or just spread out a bit from the bulging, she has green/yellow diarrhea and...
  4. prestoconfuoco

    Lethargic hen, unhealthy poop, strange growth near vent? [pictures]

    Hi everyone,' One of my hens was acting very odd and lethargic tonight and when I saw her poop was unhealthy looking I grew pretty concerned. Note in these pictures her tail feathers are unusually thin - there was a duck who was bullying the hens and pulling their feathers, but she's been...
  5. 6

    Egg Binding Cures: Making sure I tried everything

    Yesterday one of my hens had an impacted crop. I dealt with it like I usually do, and have been able to cure them every time. That same day, around 12 pm, she began to act like herself and went into the hen house to lay...However, she did not lay. Later that evening she began to sit around. I...
  6. F

    Back again - NEED HELP! PLEASE!

    I posted earlier this morning about our girl, Little. We think she has coccidiosis based on her bloody stool and change in demeanor this morning. We isolated her and gave her corid in the hopes that it will solve the problem. I've been watching her throughout the day (so thankful to be working...
  7. ashtonvirginia

    Lethargic, Yellow Diarrhea, Pale

    My poor Meredith is a 17 wk Olive egger. She was fine last night and this morning, but this afternoon she has gotten SUPER pale. She is lethargic and slower moving than normal, but not completely inactive. She is eating and drinking some but not as much as normal. Her poop is yellow and...
  8. CityChickenLady24

    Possible Fowl Pox?

    Hey all, I have a chicken that seems fairly healthy all around, however today I noticed she was not wanting to move much. She will move a little but for the most part lay there. She isn't panting, her comb seems normal, I checked for a bound egg and I didn't find anything that indicated she was...
  9. S

    Need help!

    I have a very lethargic hen she’s normally very active perky and eats like a pig but she’s slow seems tentative to walk. Not interested in food. face is nice and red. They’ve been wormed three weeks ago but I’m now doing again just to make sure that’s now the problem. she has a slightly...
  10. L

    My duck Chicky is feeling really unwell, desperate for help :(

    I posted a few weeks back after Chicky started limping badly on her right leg. The vet didn't see any signs of a break and gave her pain killers, and she gradually started walking normally again and we figured that was that. I noticed yesterday that she was moving slow, hunched posture, far...
  11. S


    PLEASE HELP SICK CHICKEN My chicken Ophelia has been acting so strange. She is a two year old barred rock that lives in Hawaii with 4 sister chickens. I clean her water regularly and add new mulch to her large outdoor enclosure. The last week and a half she has been lethargic and moving slower...
  12. The Dim Side

    5-Month Old Goose Lethargic, Not Eating, and Now Limping

    Hi, all, I posted in the emergency forum the other day but didn't get any takers. So I'm trying here since this issue has returned. On Tuesday morning, my one goose (who we call a she, but we don't know for sure) wasn't very reactive/energetic to me when the two of them always come greet us...
  13. S

    Injured Baby chick wont eat

    I have some wild chickens that I have been feeding for a few years and I rescued a one month old baby chick that had been attacked by another hen, its has an injured limp leg. I have been feeding it a little bit of raw scrambled egg in a syringe but it wont eat much and is refusing to eat or...
  14. T

    Lethargic, white lumps, drooling

    Hello everyone, after endless googling and reading so many threads and my poor chicken not getting any better over a week I thought I would finally ask for help. My 3 year old chicken Teri, I noticed her drooling and shaking her head about a week and a half ago and a few days after that, I...
  15. Charisha

    Advice Appreciated

    Ok...My SF chick, Gladys, slept on the floor of the coop last night. This morning she slept in longer than the other girls and has not wanted to keep her eyes open. She is responsive to things around her for the most part...Gladys current situation; in a crate with bedding, food, yogurt...
  16. S

    Something is wrong with one of our ducks

    Hello, we have four ducks a month old almost exactly. They just started spending days outside. It is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. They have water and food in a 5x5 pen I made them. Recently, starting this morning, one of our little ones, Peanut, has been acting lethargic. She sits there...
  17. Hannahnic14

    Leghorn wouldn't come out of the coop this morning. Feels very underweight

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is a 18 week old, pearl white leghorn. Not laying yet. She feels very very thin compared to the others 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She wouldn't come out of the coop this morning...
  18. S

    3 week old lethargic, lack of balance, but improved after vitamins?

    Hi all! Really thankful for this community. I have a 3.5 week old olive egger that arrived via shipping with 14 other chicks. The rest are doing awesome, but one little guy (getting a boy vibe) started acting lethargic around 2 weeks old. He’s always been a total loner and would mostly stand...
  19. K

    Sick Pullet?

    Hello all, thank you for your time for reading this post I have a young pullet (Black Mottled Duccle?) Who has not started laying yet, was hatched sometime early April 2021, for 2 days she has been acting somewhat lethargic. She didn't want to leave her roost for most of the day yesterday, but...
  20. Diveks

    over active duckling bothering sibling

    hey everyone so a bit of background, i got these pekin chicks yesterday as 2/3 day olds. One of them is a tiny bit smaller and less active, still running around but sleeps much more. the other chick will run around the brooder tackling the smaller one as it is sleeping. the more active one will...
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