
  1. Fireproofing the coop

    Fireproofing the coop

    Fire is a devastating and destructive force. When it hits a house with animals inside, it can lead to terrible tragedies. As the animals' owner, it's up to you to make sure their home and environment are as safe as possible. There are two ways to look at fire safety: Prevention and damage...
  2. L

    Light on or off at night for chicks?

    We recently got 6 new chicks. I'm not sure how old they are, but we got them about a week ago and they're completely/mostly covered in feathers. We use a bright fluorescent heat lamp to keep them warm, and for the past week we've just had it on 24/7. Every night they'd be awake and active, only...
  3. hhouck514

    Light For Coop

    Hello All! What type of light do you use in your coops?
  4. jackoeVogel23

    Lighting in Duck House

    My 2 pekins are 2 years old. I have had them since they were ducklings. I have always used a nigh light in their duck house, not for egg production reasons, but just so they could see their water and food at night. My girls lay all year round, but the one hasn't been consistent since last...
  5. spiritpots

    Chickens not laying yet... should I add supplemental light?

    I am new to raising chickens and picked up my four girls (2 Orpingtons, 1 Maran and 1 Brown Leghorn) from a local breeder in mid-May and was told they were approximately 6-8 weeks old. They had most of their feathers at the time. If that age was correct they should be about 6 months old now. The...
  6. AdkChiksNRoos

    Battery powered bug zapper for coop.

    I found these on sale at a local liquidation center. They are working pretty good in my coop. I had the wires kind in there for a while. But I don’t like that idea. These last a good amount of time and are super easy to clean. I rotate them out every other day to charge. If anyone is...
  7. Tilly6

    Fox lights deterrent in town

    has anyone tried the foxlights predator deterrent in town with neighbors? Is it too bright and annoying them all? I live on a lake and the fox have been gone for the last few years due to a new house going up next door. There’s a small bit of woods left on the far side of their house. The fox...
  8. ErikaRI

    Snow-proofing the coop

    So, we're getting a little bit of snow right now in RI. I just put a tarp around all but the top 3 inches or so of the coop so that we don't end up with a foot of the snow *in* as well as outside of it. It does seem to be minimizing (but not eliminating) the snow--but now it's pretty dark in...
  9. S

    Heat vs Darkness

    Now that the temp is below 10 degrees (and regularly below 0), I have put a light in the coop for some heat. I keep it on from dusk to dawn. However, I worry about the chickens not having any darkness. So, the question is which is more important? warmth below 10 degrees or darkness (having a...
  10. TheMonroeChicks

    Does my coop need to have power?

    I am just beginning with BYC. Our chicks arrive next week, and coop being put up shortly after. Where the coop will be, however, does not have an outlet near it. I live in Southern California, so freezing isn't an issue, but what about light inside the coop? Battery operated lights? Also...
  11. CluckFace84

    Quick question about identifying light Brahma's

    Hi everyone, This is my first time posting here. I just have a quick question. I already own three of what I was told are light Brahma's. They have feathered legs and are growing pretty fast. My wife and I really like them so I am looking at buying a few more, but the ones I have recently found...
  12. Z

    best way to keeping chicks warm in homemade brooder

    Hi everyone, I am new to breeding chickens and at the moment in a little pickle... I am in the tropics so normally they would just about need a fan on them all year round let alone warming... Because of Tropical Cyclone it has been very cold... at the moment I have 3 bantam/silkies in a wooden...
  13. The Camo Bulldog


    needing a little advice; I have an old shed on my property which I previously used as a chicken coop but my chickens weren't laying, presumably because there isn't very much light, and there isn't much ventilation. It's completely metal except for half of the side facing their run, which is wood...
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