limping chicken

  1. M

    Injured Toe

    I was cleaning the coop out yesterday and during that I noticed one of my Red's limping. I picked her up and looked at the foot to see if the got a thorn from the recently cut rose bush in it. Nothing. I was feeling both feet to make sure she did not have anything that felt out of the ordinary...
  2. Chickie friend

    Limping pullet, sideways toe?

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) The pullet who's limping is about 10 months old, (she's a buff orpington). She doesn't seem lighter than the others at all. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Her middle toe looks sideways...
  3. spiritpots

    Pullet has weak legs... unable to roost

    I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I began noticing three days ago that my 24 week old pullet, Nora, began exhibiting a limping/weakness in her legs. At first I thought it was just her right leg but today I noticed that it's occurring in both legs. She seems to be eating and drinking fine...
  4. filmcmahon

    something growing on chicken foot!

    hello all. i have a year and three month old barred rock hen who suddenly has a limp. i picked her up and checked to see what was wrong and she has a black looking growth on her foot. i have attached a picture for reference. she was completely fine all week, not showing any signs. then this...
  5. Abbkayx

    Limping Chicken

    Hi all, I have this black sexlink... one our favorite girls - Amelia. She is about 2 years old and quite high up on the pecking order. She started limping yesterday, so we brought her in - gave her a little spa day, bath, towel dry, etc. We looked her over really well - no signs of bumble, no...
  6. H

    Please help! Limping Chicken!

    One of my hens is limping! Earlier in the day she wasn’t (not that I noticed anyway) and now she’s limping. She will only go so far then lay down. She is also spreading her wing out when she walks. Maybe to keep balance? I’m going to monitor her but was just wondering if anyone has had...
  7. A

    Limping please

    Hi All, I’m new to this feed but after some advice please. My 20 wk hen started limping 2 weeks ago, holding right leg up but eating/drinking as normal. we monitored her then took her to vets as her hock joints looked swollen. Prescribed antibiotics and anti inflammatories. Vet said to leave her...
  8. G

    Sudden lamness

    Good afternoon all, I have a chicken who over the past few days has seemed to favor her left leg. At first it was a barely noticable limp and a tendency to squat with the lower leg flat on the ground when resting. But day before yesterday I watched her try to stand when I came to feed them and...
  9. Laydeau

    Really need advice- pup got a pullet

    Last night before locking my flock up (they free range during the day and put themselves up at night i just lock the door) my pup decided to go after one. I have her in the house nice, warm and comfy in a tote. She's been drinking water all day. I have given electrolytes and found some remedies...
  10. Mamahen234

    Leg problems

    Hello all! I recently (about a week ago) found My australorp (6 month hen) flopping around in the coop. I noticed that she was kind of limping around. Shes eating fine, drinking lots of water and seems in good spirits, not in pain. Shes just having a really hard time keeping up with the rest of...
  11. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Chicken limping

    Hello! On every of my chickens, Rosa, has a very bad limp. When we looked at her foot, there didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary. There was no swelling, visible cuts or puncture wounds, and nothing seemed obviously broken. She didn’t react when we gently squeezed her leg and foot. She...
  12. ashleyimme

    Bumble foot- first timer- what to do?

    Hello! I'm a new chicken owner, and I have a girl who will not walk on one foot. This just started today. She hops on her other foot and limps around. She also did not go to roost tonight, she just layed down in the corner of the coop. From what I've been researching- it seems like bumble foot...
  13. Beezchickens


    Hi there. My beloved Wyandotte has been limping for a week now. When she stands she keeps her favored leg up. But hobbles around everywhere just fine.I have been soaking her feet in warm water and epsom salt. There is no lesions, cuts or scrapes. She acts normal otherwise laying, roosting...
  14. V


    Hello, I have had chickens for 5 years or so. Overall they have good feed, protection, treats and do well. A few years ago we had a younger chicken have troubles walking. We fed a diet with honey, cat food, hard boiled egg, vitamin D3, other multi vitamins, oatmeal, cod liver oil and yoghurt...
  15. K

    Help with re-integration for rescues.

    Hi, I’m looking for some advice on reintegrating some rescue hens and my not-exactly healthy Cockerel Sammy (he will be 1 year in November). Background info: since December I have been treating, abducting, and rehousing the chickens on the farm I live on. Their conditions are not good, with...
  16. ShrekDawg

    Limping chicken

    One of my chickens appears to have a bit of a limp and seems to be resting more. She even let me catch her and pick her up easily which she usually doesn’t really do so I’m a little bit worried. I just noticed it when I let them out to free range a couple hours ago. At first she seemed fine...
  17. K

    Is this bruising? Not an emergency

    on April 15th one of the farm chickens was dropped hard by a child in the coop, she was limping badly. I’ve been treating her for SLM and trying to get her to walk on her left foot. A lot of dead scales came off after a few days of treatment. She doesn’t have bumble foot, and the limping is...
  18. A

    Limping Chicken With a Weak Middle Toe - PLEASE HELP!

    Hello all! I am new to this forum, but have followed it for about a year now. Many of the posts were so helpful in treating my chickens--thank you! Unfortunately, I am in need of your help once again with my one year old chicken who is limping. That said, this is not her first time limping...
  19. awyman


    One of our hens seems to be lame in one leg. She holds it up constantly, tries not to be on her feet that much, and limps around. It’s been going on for the past couple days. I’ve examined her feet to look for signs of cuts, scrapes, sores, but most importantly signs of Bumble Foot. She has a...
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