lockdown advice

  1. M

    Am I doing lockdown right?

    I have five eggs in lockdown right now and I just want to make sure I have everything right. I have a little Govee thermometer/hygrometer monitoring everything and the temperature is rock solid but I feel like the humidity might be a little high. Should I keep the humidity on the higher end or...
  2. Hannah12

    Me and My Chickens

    Hi all! I’m Hannah. I have two hens currently. We had a third chicken, a gorgeous rooster. Roosters and kids don’t mix well but I was fortunate enough to be able to rehome him! He needed more space and more hens I think haha. His name was buttercup (black Australorp) :) my other two are a black...
  3. PhoenixManz

    When to start lockdown for eggs that started incubating on three different days?

    Hey all! I have some eggs in an incubator that started incubation with a broody, and we're given to her over three consecutive days. i.e. 12th 13th and 14th February. When should these eggs be put into lock down? On the 18th day for the earliest ones, or for the latest ones? So should they go...
  4. O

    Help with duck eggs!!

    I had 12 viable duck eggs at lockdown, raised the humidity to 65-70 percent and left them, I had 3 hatch, 4 internally pip but no external pop and died, 2 I think popped through a blood vessel as lots of bruising on the egg and looked to be leaked blood everywhere when I candles them, and the...
  5. DovesFlock

    Lockdown tips/info needed

    I don’t know the proper temp and humid for lockdown. I’ve been doing 60-65 humid and 100 temp but both the two chick that have gotten close to hatch both tried to hatch without fully absorbing the yolk. I’ve changed the temp to 99 and I’m not sure if that’s enough to help or if I need to bring...
  6. S


    Ive been incubating a couple crested and cayuga duck eggs the past few weeks and today as I went to remove the egg turner so I could place them on lockdown and as I was returning them to the incubator I noticed that 3 of the eggs had pipped! Im just worried that me moving them around while...
  7. R

    Lockdown Humidity Help

    It’s currently day 18 and I kept my incubator at 50-55% humidity the entire time, I live in Ok. What humidity would be ideal for lockdown? I have it at 75% rn, but I feel like that is way too high.
  8. -Shade-

    Overdue chick--Should I help her?

    We have another batch of turkeys hatching right now. There were 8 eggs at the start. One was not fertile, 1 died around day 7, 2 are mysteries that we think one might have died a few days before lockdown or was never fertile, and the other was moving before but has stopped and we are afraid...
  9. FreeRanginChick

    Call duck eggs: Day 3 of lockdown, no progress

    Hi everyone. I have searched and read everything I could related to my issue before resorting to posting. I am on day 3 of lockdown (Day 25 of incubation) with my three remaining call duck eggs. They were shipped eggs, I lost five in early stages due to broken air sacs. Anyways... All three...
  10. lawschicks10

    Why is my chick taking so long to hatch?

    I can see the hole my chick has made in its egg but it’s been hours and there is no further movement into him hatching more out of the egg? Could the chick be dead or why is there a delay?
  11. Jessica Lyn

    Help! Incubation tips

    Thought I did enough research before but I guess not considering this last hatch rate. Throw me all your incubation tips for coturnix quail. For both still air and circulated, and hand turning tips. What humidity do you prefer? Do you dry hatch? What day do you go into lockdown? 14 or 15? What...
  12. H

    Accidentally went into lockdown too early… help!

    It’s my first time incubating, and I started a batch of eggs (only 3) which was a bad idea, as none of them made it. However I have 8 I’ve been incubating, and I thought today was day 21, but I’ve had no pipping, no movement, nothing. So I candled again and realized 1 didn’t make it, the other...
  13. Kimmyh51

    Ducklings… I’m questioning the need for ‘Lockdown’

    This might be a controversial subject and I don’t want to get into a debate, but my experiences with hatching ducklings in an incubator have left me questioning how valid and necessary the ‘lockdown’ really is…. having said that I am often incubating ducklings during the last half or quarter...
  14. I

    humidity fluctuations in lockdown!

    hi there, my eggs are on day 19, yesterday i had the humidity way to high for lockdown. i let it be hoping it would lower over time, and it has the hydrometer of the incubator i am using says 76, i do not have an individual hydrometer and that is a fault on my side this is my first time using...
  15. A

    Urgent Please help! Day 23 ducks might be internally pipping

    This is my first time using and incubator and the eggs are at day 23. Yesterday I noticed something really strange. It looks like in all the eggs the baby ducks are rubbing against membrane, but I’m not sure. I was wondering what to do because these guys look like they wanna come out. Do I go...
  16. Little Cute Lily

    What settings for lockdown?

    I'm hatching some Khaki Campbell duck eggs and I know they are supposed to go on lockdown the 25th day and hatch around the 28th day. I know to keep the humidity higher around 65%, but I've seen different websites recommend different temperatures and some don't even mention changing the...
  17. S

    Pipped or not pipped this is the question

    Hi, I havent had much luck with incubating my duck eggs. (I blame the incubator) but thats neither here nor there. On tuesday one of my eggs was chirping, getting the family all excited. However this was on day 20, i stopped turning the egg but continued to turn the others since then i haven't...
  18. S

    To pip or not to pip this is the question

    Hi, I havent had much luck with incubating my duck eggs. (I blame the incubator) but thats neither here nor there. On tuesday one of my eggs was chirping, getting the family all excited. However this was on day 20, i stopped turning the egg but continued to turn the others since then i haven't...
  19. JenEgrrrL

    Lockdown Assist!

    I haven’t found the answers yet in threads So I’m hoping someone has advice… My incubator was running at a very steady average of 99.5 Fahrenheit all through Incubation, only fluctuating by about .2 degree above or below for brief periods. I went into lockdown last night and raised the...
  20. E

    Why did my chicks die in the shell?

    Hi. I'm new to BYC and incubation. I've got a 36-egg incubator that turns the eggs every 2 hrs. For my test batch, I put in 3 budgie eggs and 2 bantam eggs. (The budgie eggs were neglected. I usually just give them to other hens to foster, but thought I'd try incubating them.) I had the temp. at...
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