medium coop

  1. Parks2peaks

    Chattaroy Chicken Coop

    Hello everyone I wanted to share some pictures of our coop and some of the process of building it. First off a huge thank you to The Witchita Cabin Coop. After a quick scan of this site you will notice a ton of people have been helped out by this coop. Please check it out if you haven’t yet. A...
  2. The Chick Inn

    The Chick Inn

    Design Since my wife and I moved into our fixer home we knew we wanted chickens but building a chicken coop ended up a ways down the initial priority list of projects. As far as a coop design, I had a general idea of what I wanted out of a coop but it wasn’t until I found
  3. The Chicken Coop D'État!

    The Chicken Coop D'État!

    How Chickens Conquered This Backyard The method of the chicken infiltration was simple, patient, and very effective. They had a powerful ally in my wife who argued convincingly, "I want chickens." And thus began the year long attrition of this backyard to the commandeering force of backyard...
  4. Medium Portable Chicken Coop

    Medium Portable Chicken Coop

    My husband is going to collaborate with this article since he's the one who built it. All I did was show him pictures of coops I liked and tell him how big, how many, what and where when he asked. I'll include a materials price list (what I remember) at the end, but the costs will be different...
  5. Chicken Chapel in the woods

    Chicken Chapel in the woods

    My wife absolutely had to have baby chicks for Easter. Living in an area that has many backyard coops, I didn't see the need to have our own. However, with the neighbors out of town for the next six months and a coop doing nothing but sitting there...I thought we might could use theirs while we...
  6. MVM80

    Creekside Cottage Coop

    Creekside Cottage Coop I just completed my chicken coop and run build and wanted to share some of my photos. If you'd like to see more photos including a breakdown of my entire build process, please visit my blog at:
  7. ChitownHV

    City coop and run

    Here's a shot of my recently completed coop and run for my 6 8-week old girls. The coop is 18" off the ground, 4'x4' square, 6' sloping to 5'. The run is 8'x4'. There's a poop board and two levels of roosts. I'll post more pictures if asked, but I think you get a good idea of what you can do...
  8. No Name Yet Coop!!

    No Name Yet Coop!!

    Starting with the kids' old playhouse, we are slowly (very slowly!!) fixing it and the addition to it into a habitable place for the chickens. We started with 17 chickens (2 roos) and now have 11 hens and 1 roo. The playhouse was too small for anything but sleeping at that time. So now, even...
  9. Buckeye Boudoir

    Buckeye Boudoir

    Buckeye Boudoir A new coop just for Buckeyes...check my story on my BYC page! Due to an apparent shortage of Buckeyes, and since I'm one of the "dang Yankees" who came to Texas (thanks to Uncle Sam) and decided to stay (originally from Ohio), I've decided to build a coop just for that breed...
  10. Renegade Condo

    Renegade Condo

    This is the Second coop I built. This coop is made from recycled 4x4's recycled white pine store shelving we purchased from a local flea market for $44, recycled PVC piping and some adhesive floor tiles we found still in the boxes. The 4 nesting boxes are two new five gallon buckets we purchased...
  11. Little School House Coop

    Little School House Coop

    This is my sweet little school house coop. It's 4x5 with an attached and underneath run that measures 11x4. I built it in 2 weeks and spent just under $200! I spent alot of time scrounging and planning before I began building. I got super lucky my wonderful neighbor had 2 salesman sample...
  12. Cluck Med The Randall Ranch

    Cluck Med The Randall Ranch

    So we decided to get some chickens to help feed our family and a few of our neighbors who we started a community garden with. My carpentry business was remodeling a house for a client which required the removal of a bunch of materials. We decided to re-purpose as much of it as we could into our...
  13. Recycled Materials Coop

    Recycled Materials Coop

    Ugly but functional. My coop is 8' x 4' x 5' high with 8 1'cube nesting boxes. The nesting boxes are on the back of the hen house with a hinged lid for easy access. Almost all the materials used are repurposed materials we had on hand. The only thing I bought was a 50' roll of 4' high...
  14. Moogies Member Page

    Moogies Member Page

    CACKLEBERRY CABIN (A Shipping Crate Coop) I had wanted chickens for a long time - and when my husband finally relented, I was thrilled and immediately began checking out Craigslist. I found a used, 3rd-generation hoop coop for $175 (A Bargain!!) and we immediately rented a trailer and hauled...
  15. Tk421s Member Page

    Tk421s Member Page

    My Chicken Coop This 20 ft dog concrete paved dog run was the base for my new coop (May 2010): It has a full-sized chain-link door, a concrete foundation, a chain-link roof, and perfectly good supports. The dog kennel frame is made of steel angle iron with pre-drilled holes. Here's what I...
  16. Coop Addition

    Coop Addition

    Rustic Pallet Coop Addition Late August 2010. As winter approaches, the girls are going to need more room in bad weather. I've decided to add on to my inherited coop, which came with the property. It's old and ugly, but has served the girls ok so far. I'm no carpenter, but am not letting...
  17. Jsters Page

    Jsters Page

    Budget Florida Coops for 3-10 chickens We're definitely budget folks. And luckily for us, the right (free) materials materialized at just the right time to get us going. First off, we had three chickens in a small A-frame tractor type coop we built in an evening. Most was made out of...
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