member pages

  1. Bird_Lover_17

    Bird_Lover_17's "Journal"

    Hey! So Backyard Herds has the "members journal" section. I'm not on BYH a lot, and I prefer BYC , so I have decided to create my own journal here. I didn't know what section to put this in, so I just put it in the random ramblings section. This is kind of like a member's page. A quick...
  2. WannaBeHillBilly

    Kindly asking for a new report page for the Member Pages

    I love the two report pages from the »Learning Center Rating Project« and the »Coop Article Rating Project«! Those are really helpful in identifying articles in need of ratings that you have not found on your own. I would love to clean up that mess, called the Member Pages and having any kind of...
  3. Couldn't resist, Emergency housing for Muscovy Duck FamilyS

    Couldn't resist, Emergency housing for Muscovy Duck FamilyS

    Hi everyone. I was offered free Silkie pair of chickens.:love I love Silkies but gave all mine away when I went back to work. So this was great since I was already set up. When I arrived to pick them up, they were Cochins. No matter I had a lovely boy who I wanted to mate with a frizzle, but...
  4. New coops and pictures of the chickens in them!

    New coops and pictures of the chickens in them!

    Hi all, I finally got my new coops built for my pekin bantams And my coronation Sussex bantams. I got a few pictures, The coops dimensions are Run; 6 foot long / 1.5 foot wide Coop area; 2 foot long / 1.5 foot wide Thank you for looking, Fionn.
  5. Hinotori

    Hinotori's Coop

    Newest picture are going up here from now on. This 68 oz monster is part of my large silkie project. He's a mutation that happened in my normal flock. Normal silkie rooster size is 36 oz. 32 oz for a hen. I have two hens that are 47 oz and 50 oz as well. Free range eggs...
  6. Yorkshire coops polish chickens

    Yorkshire coops polish chickens

    This is Poppet my lovely polish cockerel. He's such a sweet thing so friendly and loves having cuddles and being a lap cockerel. Literally goes to sleep on you. I hatched him myself and have watched him grow into such a funny creature. With him being frizzle and having a large crest his vision...
  7. "As The Coop Turns"

    "As The Coop Turns"

    Here is an anecdote of no small amusement: Shortly after Johnson our Rooster was eaten by a bear I decided to look for a new rooster.(See "The Three Little Pigs (Except with Chickens) Story moved to Member Pages) Partly cause I missed him and partly cause the hens were getting way out of line...
  8. ErniesFlock

    Three Little Pigs (Except with Chickens)

    Hello my name is Chad k and I live on the westcoast of Canada in a place called Halfmoon Bay British Columbia. We are located on the Sunshine Coast and yes it is as beautiful as it sounds. I started my life with chickens oh I’d say about a year ago when the local feed store Quality Farms was...
  9. Decorating your coop? Some ideas and tips

    Decorating your coop? Some ideas and tips

    So, you're out feeding your flock. You step into the coop, and find yourself standing on the dry, bare ground. If your coop consists of the basic feeder, perches and shelter - here are some tips on making it look chick chic. Remember, they're chickens! Don't go turning your coop into the queen's...
  10. Mary's coop

    Mary's coop

    !0 years ago I built my children a two story playhouse and sheathed it in stucco to match our house. Needless to say they outgrew it in less time than it took to build it and there it sat. I'd look at it sadly and wonder what I'd been thinking when I built something that couldn't be dismantled...
  11. Turtle's Coop Page

    Turtle's Coop Page

    So, I started researching raising chickens in the fall of 2011. After a few years of "bird sitting" the neighbors chickens several times over the past few years, I decided I wanted to have my own chickens. But I wanted to make sure I would have time and enjoy raising them. Which of course, I...
  12. mat2dong

    My Chickens And Coop Ideas

    Introduction!! Hello everyone! I made this page because I wanted to share all that I am doing with my family chickens, why I got them, photo's of them, videos, and to show you guys ideas I have! I got chickens for three main reasons, eggs, manure, and pest control. My family has and I have...
  13. Chicken Coops And Gardens Arou

    Chicken Coops And Gardens Arou

    Here's a few pictures of our chicken coops and gardens around Root 66 this year. WhitePass/Yukon Route train caboos chicken coop Nonoagon perenial flower garden We raised these Americanus chicks from eggs this season Two Husky's came at 4:00 am in the pouring rain and got through the...
  14. Coop De Crib

    Coop De Crib

    Coop de Crib...makeshift and perfectly functional =) Construction is from baby crib $0, scrap pieces of OSB & plywood from past jobs, scrap pieces of dimensional lumber from past jobs (DH's job comes in super handy for my projects) :D Chicken Wire $3 worth & awning fabric $0 (from my broken RV...
  15. Hoop Coop

    Hoop Coop

    This is my newest coop build. It will have a "hoop coop" design for the run and my DH is still trying to decide how he wants to build the coop. The run is 8x16 and over 5.5 ft tall so that we can walk in the run with plenty of head room. This run cost us about $250.00 to build. Supply list: 4...
  16. Brooders Coops Runs

    Brooders Coops Runs

    10/16/2010 We wanted to have our Main Coop finished before the babies showed but life has it's own agenda and it does not always work out the way we plan. So the first batch of babies arrived on 10-07-2010 and they needed a place to live temporarily until we can get the Main Coop in full working...
  17. Bantam Coop

    Bantam Coop

    Bantam Coop Build - Sorry for the bad formatting, the tool on this site is pretty annoying! May 18, 2010 We're at it again! It's springtime, and after a very successful year with our chickens we are comfortable with the maintenance required but more importantly all of the benefits we've reaped...
  18. The House Coop And Yard

    The House Coop And Yard

    This page is just to share the progress of the house and yard. The house was built in January 2006, we moved in March 17th that year. Not a tree or a blade of grass was to be seen. There were 6 sad little holly shrubs on either side of the front porch walkway, affectionately referred to as...
  19. Kansas Chicken Coop

    Kansas Chicken Coop

    July 2009 visited my aunt's home in NW Kansas, and of course, I was interested in her chicken set up. Her main coop is old, and it does not have an attached run. (A smaller coop does have a run for when she is raising chicks.) My aunt has lived here over 40 years, but her in-laws farmed the...
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