
  1. H

    Is This A Tumor On My Chickens Neck? If So What Could Cause This?

    Hello again everyone. This has been a rough week. Thank you for everyone’s advice about helping my sick chicken & questions on deworming my flock. This community has been a god send. As I was deworming everyone I discovered another one of my Polish chickens has a big golf ball-sized lump on the...
  2. C

    HELP! Sick 3 month old Buff Orpington. Is this vitamin deficiency, Marek's or Wry Neck???

    Yesterday morning, Blondie, my 3 month old Buff Orpington, wouldn't come out of the coop. She was acting lethargic so I immediately brought her inside and gave her some electrolytes in water. She then started getting really droopy, very tired and wouldn't eat or drink. I posted a video to a FB...
  3. K

    Help! Could my chicken have a tumor? :(

    My Rhode Island Rock is just over 1 year old and is second from top chick in a flock of 4. She has had a red bump on her breast for several months and it has never seemed to bother her. Sometimes we don’t notice it but other times, when she has a full crop, it protrudes and we can see it in...
  4. KatMajBou

    Unknown Chicken Issue possible Meraks?

    Hello All! We have been Backyard chicken people for almost 2 years now. And thus where the problem started. One Chicken supposedly a Whiting grew to about half the size she should have been with plumage ok but nothing show stopping. She has NEVER produced an egg in the last 1.5 years, thus...
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