mottled chickens

  1. B

    Split to mottled over solid

    If I put a black split to mottled rooster over a solid black girl who is not a split will any of the babies be split?
  2. A

    Mottled Black Copper Marans?

    I have two black marans hens and two roos. One roo has a sideways prong on his single comb, while a hen? has two mottled on her tail and the other roo's toe feathers are mottled. The question mark is there because she's either a non-pb hen, bms can carry the recessive mottle gene, or she's a...
  3. BRF

    Mottled Lavender Questions

    I recieved a group of chicks that were supposed to be lavender orpingtons but found out that the chicks where the wrong color compared to ours. Turns out they were mottled lavender orpingtons. I have 1 rooster I didn't sell and my neighbor lost here lavender rooster and we were wondering what...
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