mouth breathing

  1. N

    Can ducks survive in hot temperatures?

    Hi guys. I have two pet ducks that I keep in my garage. They have access to water(Not the biggest bucket but they can deep their entire head in it) and food 24/7. This week temperature will rise to 97 F and today temperature was 89 F. My Anacona duck suddenly started the breathing from the mouth...
  2. T

    Mouth breathing at night, small droppings, egg bound? Please help!

    I have two hens as pets. Both are 9 months and 17 days old. One is a Swedish Flower Hen (named Blondie) and the other one is probably Australorp (named Brownie). Brownie started laying at the end of November last year and she is laying continuously almost every day. Blondie hasn't laid eggs yet...
  3. D

    Chicken with droopy wings

    Hi! My 2yr old chicken has been acting off for a couple days. She’s the lowest in the pecking order so she gets picked on a good bit but I noticed she was hanging out in the coop a lot more and being bullied really bad. She was also not roosting with the rest but either sleeping on the floor or...
  4. thunder21

    Abnormal droppings

    Hello again! I noticed my rooster mouth breathing was back (no wheezing and gurgle sound). It started when the weather became hot and humid again and when I fed him sweet corn. At first, he has droppings were not digested well. Now, he has diarrhea and this is how it looks. Even his cecal...
  5. T

    5 week old chicks suddenly mouth breathing

    My Americauna chicks are about 5 weeks old. They just were moved to their outdoor brooder yesterday. All seemed well until a few hours ago I noticed 2 are mouth breathing and rolling around on the ground and they just aren't acting right. Its 79 out so I wouldn't think too hot and they are...
  6. S

    Chicken breathing in with mouth a bit open.

    I recently discovered one of my chickens breathes in with its mouth open most of the time and you can hear she has some kind of a stuffy nose when breathing overall. - Is this some kind of a cold or virus that can be treated? Also another chicken sneezes quite a lot in a high pitch a couple...
  7. JRP

    Sneezing Hen with Open Mouth Breathing

    I noticed today that one of my young Easter Egger hens (less than one year) was sneezing while I was out there. Seemed like fairly frequently. I was out there for about 15 minutes and she sneezed maybe 15 times. She's also mouth-breathing, but does not seem distressed otherwise. She seems to...
  8. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    Howdy, y’all. This is a little long, but bear with me because I need insight. Some background: I have a hen that had severe round worms and nearly died. She had stopped eating because she became so weak so my vet taught me how to tune feed her until she is strong enough to eat on her own...
  9. D

    4 Week Old Chick mouth breathing and making faint click sound

    Hello, I am fairly new to having chickens as pets. I currently have 3 chickens, all about 4 weeks old. I keep them indoors right now in their brooder, but have started to take them outside for a few hours a day in the morning or evening depending on the weather. Today I noticed that my...
  10. Amy Weaver

    Humidifier for congested, sneezing chicken?

    I have a chicken that's sneezing quite a bit, plus congested. She had pneumonia this past winter, and I know once they've had respiratory issues, they're forever susceptible. She's separated from rest of the flock and in our basement chicken hospital. I'm administering Tylan, plus putting VetRx...
  11. A

    Duck opening and closing bill and making rasping sounds

    This morning, I heard my 15 month old Welsh Harlequin, Solrikka, making rasping noises and was opening and closing her bill to breathe. The opening and closing of the bill has gotten more frequent and her bill is opening wider. I opened her bill to check her mouth/cloaca and I didn't see...
  12. E

    Help! New hens have Breathing problems

    Just bought these 2 dual purpose hens 2 days ago. They are very large and are about to start laying. My sister bought 2 from the same guy about a month ago and hers have just started laying. The guy could not tell me their breed. Red Flag #1. They seem like they may actually be Red Broilers? now...
  13. analyticalblonde

    Keeping the Girls Cool in 90s & 100s temperature...?

    Hi All, I have 10 young girls (2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Lavendar Orpingtons, 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Barred Rock Plymouths, and 2 New Hampshire Reds) which I selected because of their Heat/Cold tolerances and their gentleness and who are supposed to start laying in the next couples of weeks. I go out...
  14. CLovesDucks

    Adult Female Duck Open-Mouth Breathing

    Hi friends! One of my adult fawn & white runners is open-mouth breathing, almost as if she’s panting. It’s warm today but the ducks have 24 hour access to the pond in their enclosure. Any thoughts?
  15. Milkywayranchsc

    Duckling with bill injury

    Welsh harlquin duckling injured her bill between her nostrils at hatch,presumably with her toenail. At 4 days old, she now has shrunken nostrils, causing her to breath through her mouth. And, her bottom mandible is growing faster than the top, causing an underbite. I found an older thread about...
  16. Moonanite

    Mouth breather

    Ok so I’ve done some searching and I can’t find anything related to our issue. I also hope I posted this in the right spot cuz it seems more like a behavior than an illness. I got a male roo silkie recently. He’s a house pet. I didn’t notice his mouth breathing until the diaper was put in him...
  17. H

    Drooling Chicken?

    Hi everyone, Ive had this chicken for about a month, shes around 3 years old and an isa brown. When I first got her I noticed she was shaking her head a lot. As time has passed things have gotten worse. Shes been drooling excess saliva for around a week now, usually clear/foamy. Today it was...
  18. M

    Hens no longer laying in box

    hi there I know this has been asked before but I’m new to forum and new to chickens so any additional, personal responses will help! We have 3 hens-rhode island red, leghorn, and Ameruacana, pullets I guess, raised by us from chicks that are a little over 7 months old. They all began laying...
  19. N

    Bobcat trapped in chicken coop

    My Rooster Buck was injured by a bobcat that somehow got in chicken coop but couldn't get out. He's breathing through his mouth which he keeps opened , his eyes are closed and he won't open them, I tried to put water in his mouth but it makes his breathing gurgles. I think his neck may be hurt...
  20. JosieMae

    Possible gapeworm or maybe nothing? HELP!

    Hi All! My five girls are in an outside coop and the run is filled with sand. I noticed a lot of them sneezing sometimes, but they don't have any other signs of respiratory anything. I have a young Polish who, for the past months or so, has sometimes breathed through her mouth, sometimes not...
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