mystery breeds

  1. Sunnydeni

    Help please

    Hello friends. I was hoping someone more knowledgeable than me could help to identify this breed of chicken..? The mystery chickens are these two 6 week old chicks with disorganized, spotchy white & black feathers. They don't seem to have a pattern to speak of, in fact one of them has much more...
  2. heatherrhodus1425

    Who am I

    I've looked this hen up a Ron she looks like a pencil laced Wyandotte but she has beautiful eggs . everyone tells me Easter egger but I think an ameracana mix pencil lace but Idk my rooster was supposed to be a silver laced Wyandotte but come to find out after beginning my whole flock and...
  3. HogwartsHenmistress

    TSC Mystery Chicks-Breed Help!

    Today I impulse bought 4 chicks at TSC (the rest of my flock is coming by mail this week). I believe I know one is a Barred Plymouth Rock (Chick A). The others I believe were incorrectly labeled. Chicks B and C were in the bin with Chick A which had labels for Starlight Green Eggers and Barred...
  4. lazylizzy

    Apple Head Farms

    Hi All! I am brand new to chickens, but absolutely loving the journey. In this Thread I hope to document the adventure that is my very first flock, and share the joy of it with others who are Chicken obsessed! My batch of chickies (as my 2yo calls them) came from Tractor Supply Company. My...
  5. therobyn

    No Clue What These Are

    Hey All, So, I was going to buy chicks from TSC today, but a friend happened to have some chickens she was wanting to rehome. The person who was supposed to get them changed her mind, so now they are in my back yard. They are 4 hens, but I have no clue what breed they are. Can you help?
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