nesting box

  1. ejbeez85

    Sleeping in nesting boxes!

    My chickens are anywhere between 13-17 weeks old and they pretty much all climb into two of the nesting boxes to sleep at night. Is this normal? Will they adjust when they start laying? I'm going to put a couple more wood ladders in there today but they don't even use the one that is in there.
  2. RHChicks

    Nesting box dividers- vinyl curtains, wood or none

    finishing up our external nesting box and trying to figure out if I should put in dividers. Was thinking maybe vinyl curtain dividers like I am doing on the front of the box. We have 9 chicks and built the box to have 4 individual boxes in case we get more chickens. I want to have the dividers...
  3. RHChicks

    New to the chick world

    Hi, in our neighborhood we have re-purposed a kids playhouse and sandbox into a community chicken coop. We are starting with 9 chicks. 3 Silkies, 2 Buff Orpington, 2 Rhode Island Red, 2 Bantam Barred Rock. We are going to use tubs for the brooder. I have uploaded a photo of our work in...
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