new addiction

  1. JMscarbrough

    It’s been 7 years

    Well gang it’s been 7 years since we last had chickens as California destroyed all the birds for new castle disease ( they killed all of them yet gave you a credit for replacing the chickens but it wasn’t valid) so now we will start again with a coop made 100% from pallets and 5 new babies to...
  2. NewJourney

    New Chicken Owner in the Desert

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens. I just got my first chicks yesterday! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 12 chickens right now. (3) What breeds do you have? I'm back living with my parents and we decided to raise chickens...
  3. MillieYevick

    New to the flock!

    Heyy, my name is Krystin, but friends and family call me Millie. I am new to chickens, and just got my whole flock last Sunday (03/19/2023). Right now we have 11 chickens, but the chicken math is just not adding up so I see more in the near future! We have a mixed backyard flock of Rhode...
  4. L

    My Pets

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm really, really, really new to raising chickens... did anyone catch my name?😂🤣 Got my first chicken July 20th, 2022. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I've got 7 hens! But, want 3 more! (3) What breeds do you have...
  5. Tom_Luthor

    Hi there!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - Im new to chickens, and the house we just bought came with a coop. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? - 7 Chickens(hopefully mostly hens) They got hatched from eggs and they are around 8 weeks old now. (3) What breeds...
  6. D

    Keebler box truck run.

    So I'm kind of a hill Billy. Long story short I was a butcher for 10 years. Got 20(-1) chicks 3 weeks old (10 black Australorps and 9 white leghorns) They are gonna be free roaming free range. Can y'all take a look at my keebleers coop and let me know what y'all think? The run is for the winter...
  7. K

    Where to find plans...

    Hi, new member. I'm looking for a plan for a coop similar to this. Happy to buy one just struggling to find where you get them! Thanks in advance.
  8. luckycluk

    New chicks

    My granddaughter and I went and got fourchicks today. They are not the Easter eggers we are waiting for, they will be here next week. We got 4 sapphire gems. They are so cute. I’m like a new mother hen I’m so nervous. This is my first time with chicks. I’ve always got them at about 12-14 weeks...
  9. MikailaF

    New from Eastern Washington

    Hi there! I just welcomed home my first flock of chicks! I'm so excited to start this journey of suburban chicken raising! I've wanted chickens for several years and the time has finally come! After TONS of research, we built our own coop and run and are looking forward to raising a happy...
  10. maarijke

    21 chicks for a new Parker, Colorado farm

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are new and got baby chicks last Friday and Saturday. 6 days ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 18 chicks. 2 hens( a rescue and a gift) 3 babies died. One immediately despite our extreme lifesaving attempts...
  11. Chimkimem30

    New chicken mama

    Hello everyone! My name is Emily, I'm 29 (30 in june!), I'm from Oakland county Michigan, and I'm new to the chicken community. We recently bought our first house and are expecting our third child at the end of March, we have just started looking into chickens and quails for our new home. And im...
  12. Jcarnahan

    Possibly adding new flock members but concerned about the transition.

    Hey guys I have a complicated question about introducing new ducks to two that I already have. The ducks I currently have are almost three months old. It is very cold here so I have not moved them outside yet. I have one that has been fighting what ive been told is wry neck. This is where my...
  13. rachelcasper7

    Hello from the Casper household!

    Hello all! This is Rachel from the Casper household! We are in the planning process preparing to become a chicken family next summer! My husband and I have two boys, ages 14 months and three years. The older one was able to catch a chicken properly at a year and a half all by himself! So I had...
  14. D

    My new chicken has bald spots… I’m new!

    Hello all! I got two chickens today from a place off of the road in a rural town. The chickens there seemed to have a large pen and it was not over crowded. I got handed two chickens- one with a full set of feathers and another with some bald spots of raw red skin ://. It was pouring so in the...
  15. newturkeymama

    HELP! New turkey mama who is trying to save one egg!

    Hey y’all! So I am totally new to incubating / turkey / anything to do with eggs! I have been doing a ton of research and I am somewhat educated on the basics. So…… here’s the back story. We have a hen that laid eggs, something got her eggs. We took the last 3 and put them in the incubator. We...
  16. Ashara

    New chicken mama in the mountains

    Hello! I would not say I am new to chickens as I have lived and worked on many farms but this is my first time raising my own flock. After seeing baby chicks in April this year everytime I went to the store, I couldn't help it anymore and I purchased 2 french black copper marans 2 prairie...
  17. M

    New chicken momma!

    Hi all! To answer the sample questions: (1) I became a chicken momma in January and couldn’t be happier! (2) I have 10 (have had 12 all together, but the unprecedented snow storm in TX in February, I lose two babies) (3) What breeds do you have? 3 EEs, 2 Welsummers, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1...
  18. 0ddaudd

    Is This Niacin Okay to Give Gosling ???

    Hey! I have found myself thinking about getting a gosling, I was just curious as to if this niacin would be okay to give to them? And if so how much of the powder? I’ve just been trying to look for a cheaper alternative to brewers yeast. I also heard that using “nutritional yeast” is good as...
  19. Carleejade

    Hi I'm new to BYC

    Hi I'm Carlee, I grew up with chickens on the farm however I currently only own ducks. I hope you all will still accept me?☺️ My husband and I purchased 10 acres about 2 years ago and we were excited to hear that the previous owners offered to leave 4 ducks behind which is what started this...
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