new breed

  1. K

    On a hunt for Yokohamas or other pretty chicken breeds !!

    I’m located in Kentucky and have been on a serious search for a new beautiful breed to start breeding. I haven’t had much luck though in finding new breeders to befriend and do business with. I’m not particularly looking for a rare rare breed but something new to bring around my community. My...
  2. LunaMarieWolf

    Can someone check over my genetics please?

    Okay, this is going to be a long one. I produced a gradient chicken pattern several years ago and have since lost all of the chickens associated with the line. I am wanting to replicate it. The start was an EE. Rosaline. This was in crisp 2015. I do not know what breeds this EE was made out...
  3. Cloverr39

    From silkie mix to new breed?

    Every time I post my black silkie/isabel brahma mix online in my local FB groups everyone always asks what her breed is and that she's absolutely gorgeous and they'd want one. I posted something about her being broody and trying to get her to stop and someone said that I should definitely let...
  4. Pufna

    Jubilee x Buff Orpington what will I get?

    I'm considering creating a new breed so to say. I love my Jubilee orpingtons so much, Buffs too. And I was interested if by crossing them I could get something like Jubilee but for the base color to be closer to buff. Hope someone can help me and inform me if I should even try it, what are the...
  5. Z

    Genetic Diversity in New Breeds

    Hello everyone! I'm interested in learning more about the creation of new breeds. From what I understand so far, it is necessary for a breed to breed true to be considered a proper breed. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how genetic diversity would be introduced in the creation of a new...
  6. Cloverr39

    What would it take to make a new breed?

    Okay so I won't actually be attempting to make a new breed anytime soon as I'm still a minor and I don't have the space either, but I do one day want to attemt to create a new breed. How are new breeds created? And what are all the F1 and F2?? I guess I just need someone to explain how it works...
  7. Dazed and Confused

    Creating the silver welbar

    I have 2 eggs in the incubator, hatching in 1 week. The eggs are from a partridge Welbar rooster over a Barred Rock hen. when this cross is done with a welsummer, the chicks are sex linked. Is this also Going to be the case over the welbar? Or is the extra barring going to change things? In my...
  8. All4Eggz

    Hmm... Frizzle easter egger?? Cool!

    I got this in my email. New Frizzle Easter Egger! Pretty cool to me! What do y'all think?
  9. S

    Miniature ringneck dove

    So i was going to get my first dove in a few months and I'm researching where to get it when I stumbled on the miniature ringneck doves on stromburg chicken. I tried to look up miniature ring necks doves and I found nothing. Does anyone know what they are ,how they act, lifespan,and experience...
  10. S

    Miniature ringneck dove

    So i was going to get my first dove in a few months and I'm researching where to get it when I stumbled on the miniature ringneck doves on stromburg chicken. I tried to look up miniature ring necks doves and I found nothing. Does anyone know what they are ,how they act, lifespan,and experience...
  11. Q

    Hi from North Carolina!

    I’m a farmer with a mixed flock, newly adopted ranging from 4 weeks to 1 week old. I have 1 rooster and he’s in charge of 15 ladies. The Rooster is a Rhode Island Red The hens are as follows: Amauracana Barred Rock Silver-Laced Wyandotte Buff Orpington Rhode Island Red Araucana I plan on...
  12. Over_Easy47

    New baby chick breeds

    I bought some more baby chicks at rual king the other day, the tags said that they were new and rare breeds. Curious if anyone’s heard of or knows anything about them. The first picture is a Blue Plymouth with the other 4 circled in the back, and the second picture circled is calico princess.
  13. Holew-L

    Blue Laced Red Brabanters

    I currently have a pair of Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chickens that I would like to have purebred offspring, and crossbred offspring from. I have 10 Cream Brabanter chicks that will be coming in the mail sometime in April. I was thinking it would be neat to develop a new color of the very rare...
  14. L


    Yay!!! I decided what breeds to get as some of you may know I decided to get more the breeds. Thank you for the recommendations by the way. I decided to go with one Leghorn named Grace. A Golden Laced Wyandotte named Penny. Last but not least two Amerecaunas named Grethchen and Charlie (short...
  15. Lovefarmanimals

    "Rainbow egg layer" (Dixie or Freedom Ranger)?? Does anyone know about these breeds?

    I bought some chicks (straight run for $1.99) at Tractor Supply.. and the label read "Rainbow egg layers". I thought to myself these chickens must lay colorful eggs (hence the sign). I asked the lady there at TSC if they laid colorful eggs and she assumed they did, so i went on and got them...
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