new chicken

  1. R

    Rescued a hen - health concerns?

    Apparently I've become known as the crazy bird lady of the neighborhood, because early this week a lady showed up on my doorstep to tell me about a random rooster seen running around a yard down the street where the house is under construction. Apparently the construction workers had caught it...
  2. Sliiiq

    Chicken doesn’t like me

    Hey BYC, I’ve got a couple questions. I just had to swap my cockerel out for a pullet. She’s being quarantined. The problem is she, along with the rest of the chickens at the farm I got her at, don’t particularly like human touch. She looks to be about 9-10 weeks old, an ISA brown & leghorn mix...
  3. LilHitzel

    Too Soon?

    Did I make a mistake? I had to rehome two accidental roosters, and was given a hen that is the same age as my flock of 5 girls. I had her in a dog cage against the main run, and they seemed interested but weren’t acting up. She was terrified and trying to get in with them, slamming herself...
  4. C

    New Hen, Different Behaviors - Advice Appreciated

    So, of course, I'll need to post some backstory. We have 4 hens over a year old. We also had 2 pullets that were 15 weeks old. Blueberry and Butta. Butta was a tiny little silkie pullet. Cutest squeaky toy ever. But, a opossum got her! Blueberry was devastated. As were we. So, we took another...
  5. A

    Totally Normal Behaviour + Rattling??

    Hey all! New to posting on BYC, but I've been lurking for awhile. I live in Israel and have 3 new hens who all moved in 8 days ago. All the 'local' breed, about 7 months old. They are, apparently, all egglayers and were all vaccinated as chicks. We are fairly new to the backyard chicken game...
  6. EHaag

    Rescue Chicken - Identification Help!

    Hello! Recently, over the last few weeks, a chicken has been visiting my backyard. I figured she was a free range chicken and went back to her coop at night. I ended up following her one night and found out she was living in a downed tree behind my fence. I started giving her food and water...
  7. The Clark Farm

    Getting attacked

    So I just signed up here and I’m hoping this is the right place to post this? So last Saturday I brought home our two Barred Rocks, and they have adjusted really well to their new environment. They were raised by someone who had these two, a small red mix (he didn’t know the breed) and a small...
  8. MarioBranwell

    Can someone help me figure the breed

    Okay so after my chickens death I got a new batch of chickens and they are almost 3 weeks old. They are kind of brown and white mix, But i do not know the breed of it. Can someone please help finding the breed, sex, whether it is crossed or not etc? I have attached the pictures.
  9. D-tiny-chicans

    New Chickens

    I already have a flock of 5 bantam hens and one bantam rooster. I usually have to buy large eggs for cooking. I want to get 3 or 4 standard rode island reds or barred rocks. I built the coop I have now. Its big enough for +- 15 bantams. Can I keep the bantams and standards in the same coop?
  10. DobieLover

    Poop Exam

    I just brought home three new pullets, 2 leghorns and 1 California white. All about 8 months old. They are much smaller than my girls, 6 months old: 2 EE, 1 Delaware, 1 RIR, 1 BR, 1 Sussex, 1 olive egger, 1 black Australorp. I don't have enough space to do a true quarantine but the new girls are...
  11. S

    Advice? Sick?

    Hi, I recently went to purchase a serama trio from Craigslist and I couldn’t believe the living conditions they were in. The lady had obviously never cleaned the pens ever, feces layered the ground, the water was green and it’s over 100° in Arizona. Out of the dozens of other birds sharing space...
  12. GottaHatchAPlan

    Is my new chicken sick or just a wuss?

    I got a new chook a few days ago and I'm not sure what to make of her behaviour. We got our new Orpington, Chestnut, as a friend to our lone Australorp, Peggy. I know we're supposed to quarantine any new chickens but we quickly learnt that Chestnut, farm-raised girl that she is, came with both...
  13. Haihai

    PEcking order or anger issues?

    I have 47 week old chickens I need to add to the coop… I have tried to add them in the past Week… By putting a kennel inside the run and keeping them visible but separated… Today I tried to let them all join together… One hen is very aggressive with them... so I put them back in the kennel... I...
  14. Valleychickca

    Name my Golden Comet?

    We just adopted a 4 month Golden Comet and are having the hardest time naming her. I've always had chicks and named them right away. It's harder when they are more grown up! Plus, we have a nature theme and lots of letter "L"s in the names (by coincidence, I must like them). Our current...
  15. AnneandApril

    Different Breed Interactions

    Hey there! :frow I am thinking about getting a new chicken, maybe a Dominique hen. I have a silkie and am not sure how they will do together. I have read that Dominiques are a very docile and friendly breed. They also tend to be down near the bottom of the pecking order. They are a smaller...
  16. finallyinATX

    Introducing new chicken - Should she sleep alone?

    Hi, I have three established chickens and one new one. All are about a year old. I introduced the new chicken by letting them see each other through the run for about an hour. Then I let my 3 established girls free range with the new one out and about. There were a couple of interactions but...
  17. R

    New Chicken

    Today we went to a feed store and got a new chicken, because of the death of tetra, tapioca was not laying. back to what I was saying we got a new chicken (Houdini) and they don;t exactly get along tapioca keeps pecking and attacking her but Houdini is a lot bigger I'm worried about them...
  18. Contolini6

    Quarantine MISTAKE!!! Advice needed.

    We just acquired two new birds yesterday. Being the silly novice chicken owners that we are, we were not at all prepared to quarantine them properly. Our current "flock" consists of one chicken and three ducks. (We had another chicken that died of illness unspecified last week.) When we got the...
  19. Lil_Boots

    HI HI:)

    Greetings fellow chicken enthusiasts, We have had our girls for about 4 years, we have 3 Bards, and 3 Americana's, one of which was found hiding in our yard, she was a lone survivor of a dog attack. In her own yard, from the dog that lived in the same yard that she did.....she is a very lovey...
  20. D

    Mean girls!

    I have 4, 4 month old girls that I have had since they were chicks. I inherited a 3.5 month old Ameraucana 2 weeks ago. The initial integration was a disaster. My original 4 attacked the new girl and I ended up having to separate them. I split the new girl and 2 of my more docile girls for a...
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