
  1. R


    Hi! I'm from Florida, I'm just 19 and have no intentions of having a job related to animals, but I would gladly do voluntary work! I'm very passionate about animals and I have recently started taking an interest in ducks since I recently moved to Florida from Central America. I look forward to...
  2. P

    Getting chicks in two weeks!

    i am a life long city dweller. Or was until 5 years ago. I dreamed of having chickens, but until recently I was too scared to try! Now I’ve committed myself to taking two chicks in a couple of weeks. I’m going to turn an old food bin into a coop. Somehow! And find something to make nest boxes...
  3. M


    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, I am new to chickens and are in the first stages of building our coop (2) How many chickens do you have right now? None (3) What breeds do you have? NA (4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com? JenBTV (5) What are...
  4. Fallon Dundas


    Hey all! My name is Fallon, I'm a single mom who has had chickens in the past when my parents had them and will be getting into the game again soon, with our own hens. My son became obsessed with chickens about theee months ago, and has been asking for them non-stop. We will be raising hens...
  5. Tim Stratton

    eco Chooks in The Royal Forest of Dean!

    Hello everyone! My and my partner live off grid in The Forest of Dean, in Gloucester UK. 3 weeks ago we received 4x8 week old chicks as a gift from a friend. Yesterday we also received 2x5-6 week old Peking Bantams, along with a chicken house. We've made a run using old Portakabin window guards...
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