niacin deficiency

  1. M

    Niacin Deficiency in Baby Geese

    Hey everyone, I ordered two baby geese, and they arrived today (less than 48 hours delivery) and one of them has bowed legs and curved feet-there was a great post on the duck forum about niacin deficiency that pictured the same foot curving. I called the hatchery before I found that and they had...
  2. Kimmyh51

    Do we, or the makersof feed actually even know what ducks need for nutrition

    just wondering if anyone else out there, who has ducks, ducklings, and considers themselves to be oretty well educated on their nutritional needs, (ie niacin leg deficiency, needs for laying birds, etc, has had birds which have shown signs of what look to be nutritional deficiencie, despite you...
  3. Fallenone05

    Too late to fix?

    I purchased some silver appleyard ducks about a month ago. Both hens. One has the correct foot/leg development but the other has a really, really inward pointing foot. She has a healthy appetite and gets around decent. I've been feeding them this...
  4. R

    Duck not walking and pecked at

    Hi everyone, New duck mom here 👋🏼. This duck (I assume female) was discovered this afternoon just laying around. I approached her and instead of standing she used her wings to try to get around. That was her state all day. I put her in the pool and she stood on both feet and moved around in...
  5. A

    Using brand name: Optimum Vitamin B-Complex for pekin ducklings

    I have provided the nutritional facts about this certain brand, I was wondering if I could use it for a duckling, and if so, how to properly dose it, as in cutting the pills or something like that. Please help, one of my ducks seems to have niacin deficiency, so I want to get that sorted before...
  6. J

    Sick ducky

    I've read over niacin deficiency in ducks and just am unsure about what to do. We have three nine week old hens, two of which are pekins & one beautiful khaki. Clementine as you can clearly tell in the video does not have crossed feet, but has been off-balance for a few days. She has a large...
  7. saving grace

    Duck Won't Bathe Anymore

    Hello, I've got another question about my Khaki Campbell hen who I've been having issues with. Here's a previous thread in which I put some of her details about her past, so I don't have to rewrite all of that...
  8. R

    Brown scab spots?

    I’ve been having issues with my pekin. She/he has a niacin deficiency that I have been treating with nutritional yeast and 1ml liquid b orally. It seems like her legs are getting really bad. Tonight while I was giving her the liquid b I found these two spots near her legs. I am fearful her legs...
  9. saving grace

    Duck who Had Niacin Deficiency Won't Lay

    Hello! I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a while. My Khaki Campbell duck, who is a little over a year old now, still hasn't started laying. When she was still a duckling (can't remember how old) she got niacin deficiency, even though I was supplementing them with nutritionial...
  10. D

    Is it normal for my duck’s vent to be open?

  11. D

    How can I help my duck get better with niacin deficiency?

    We bought her nutritional yeast yesterday and gave her water, but we don’t know whether we’re supposed to let her walk and play like usual or if resting more will help her recover. We’ll also cook some niacin rich foods for her to help her get better quickly, but other than that, is there any...
  12. D

    How much and how often do you feed your ducks Niacin and/or nutritional yeast everyday?

    How much and how often do you feed your ducks Niacin and/or nutritional yeast powder everyday? What age are they?
  13. D

    Help! I think my duck doesn't have enough niacin in her body and she can’t walk now, what do I do??

    She’s very weak and she can’t walk very well. She keeps falling and stumbling. This just started happening today. She occasionally shakes her head every hour or few and she’s starting to lose her appetite. She’s not as energetic or awake as usual, but she doesn’t seem very tired anymore...
  14. D

    How much Niacin does Purina duck feed have?

    How much Niacin does Purina duck feed have?
  15. K

    Older duck with leg issues

    Hello, my mom has two ducks that are about 5-6 years old and about two weeks ago, one of them stopped walking and her hip/haunches are really bony and pushing up in her wings. My educated guess has been it's a bad niacin deficiency but I'm not really sure. For about 5 days now we have been...
  16. N

    Sick Duck- Please please help! New to this!

    Annabelle Video Hi everyone. I am a new duck owner and desperately need some guidance! On July 2nd, we were gifted a male and female duck. They are somewhere between 4 and 6 months old. The previous owner did not have a body of water for them- just a baby pool- and that is all I know about...
  17. M

    Small/Runt Duckling

    Hi! I got my first ever pekin ducklings a while ago, 4 little cuties. They're about one month old old now or something close to that. Sadly, one of them passed away shortly after getting them. Why? It's still quite the mystery. However, the other ones were okay. One of them started acting weird...
  18. Hball

    Help with my 5 week old duck

    Hello. I have five 5-6 week old ducks and have been having issues with this particular one below. Starting with symptoms of niacin deficiency and not being able to walk, I started her on b complex orally 1mil starting at 4 weeks old. The next she was a lot better and walking but pigeon toed. Her...
  19. AngelinaThePekin8

    8 year old pekin duck cant walk very well. This isn't an emergency I just need advice.

    This is Angel, she is an 8 or 9 year old pekin duck, I don't know exactly how old she is at least to the exact date, we had her since she was maybe a week old I think that when we got her she was just starting to get her blood feathers in on her wings. She had bumble foot in the past I only...
  20. felys

    Muscovy Duckling - Treating niacin deficiency. Mealworms ok?

    Hello I have a 3 week old Muscovy duckling that has a bit of a crooked leg. She's starting to step on her own feet. She has been eating non medicated chick feed plus brewer's yeast since day 1. I also started giving adding brewer's yeast to her water when I noticed her starting to step on her...
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