not eating

  1. henroo_101

    Weak baby chick, drinking but not eating?

    I have a (maybe) 3 day old barred rock baby chick that seems to be behind compared to the 8 other chicks. I just got them from Tractor Supply yesterday, and treated her for pasty butt this morning. She’s not running around, and is constantly sleeping. She just kind of stands there and goes...
  2. H

    ducklings only eat when hand fed

    I always have a duck feeder full of food and I rarely see my ducklings eat from it so I try to hand feed them and when I do hand feed them they always go crazy over it and even fight for it. But they dont go for the food in the duck feeder, is this normal? 2 week old muscovy ducklings btw.
  3. henfriend1998

    URGENT, PLEASE HELP! Severe adult Cocci, worms in my flock or something else?? how to treat my girls and get them to recover big and strong?

    i have two hens (Frida a buff brahma and Agnes a silver laced wyandotte) inside right now with what we think is Cocci. all of the symptoms but our fecal float came back clear. the vet and a relative let is know that its possible the parasites just arent shedding eggs, and that we shouldnt rule...
  4. SunflowerDays

    Broken bottom beak can’t eat!! Duck -

    Hello all, I am in a desperate situation. There is a wild mallard with a heavily broken beak. She also has a duckling, which is why I haven’t taken her to the vets or contacted the wildlife centre as I think catching both will be beyond impossible and extremely distressing. Plus I think they...
  5. henfriend1998

    2 year old hen not eating, incredibly inactive + thin, standing w/ her head close to her body and her eyes closed all day, clear thick droppings?help!

    my two and a half year old buff brahma hen Frida hasn’t eaten for two days now, has been not acting like herself, standing kind of hunched and fluffed up with her head near her body and her eyes closed, and only pooping clear, thick (almost mucousy) faintly reddish brown droppings with thick...
  6. M

    4 week old chick not eating- please help!

    Hi! I am a new chick momma. I have 17 - 4 week old chicks and they were all doing well till yesterday. One of my ancona chicks became lethargic and stopped eating. I separated her from the flock but I am not sure what to do to help her. I put scrambled eggs, meal worms, chick feed and water with...
  7. K

    Hen acting fine, but not eating?

    I have a 6 year old Ameracauna. She hasn't layed eggs for a couple years now. She has always been petite and not a super hungry girl. Recently she had diarrhea and was acting out of it. The bet gave her vitamin b, de wormer, pain relief and antibiotics. For a while she seemed better and was...
  8. M

    Found 3 wk old chick on ground not moving and peeping loudly. Head keeps tilting back

    I found a small, possibly around 3 week old chick in my neighbor's yard. It was laying in the shade, not moving, peeping like crazy, and had one wing stuck strait out. I picked it up, and it's head keeps pulling back. One time, it's head pulled back, it's legs stuck strait out and it's wings...
  9. evisell

    Sick chicken!! new chicken owner! please help!!

    A couple of weeks ago my lavender orpington hen started showing symptoms of illness. I’ve decided to make a post displaying her exact symptoms. Her poop is yellow and gets stuck to her feathers often (i have to clean it off every couple of days). She is not eating or drinking. She has gotten...
  10. Solemn Opossum

    Help! 4 day old duckling still hasn’t eaten, has yolk attached, and stomach is growling. Weighs 24 grams

    I found my duckling Little Foot back on the 15th. I went to the run to return a baby I had hatched (its shell had been badly broken and I repaired and incubated it {foreshadowing}) and saw a little duckling not moving. I picked her up and saw her yolk was still attached. My girl Eyebrows is a...
  11. A

    Chicken not eating even after passing bound egg

    We had a chicken (6 year old named Pidgey) we discovered was egg bound yesterday evening. We isolated her from the flock, soaked her in water, and got her situated for the night. When I checked on her in the morning she had laid an egg and was moving around again, but very gingerly. Her rear end...
  12. SokeyDokey

    Hen lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Our hen, Blanche, hasn’t been the same since a mink attack a few months back. We treated the bite but her demeanor completely changed. She was top hen before and kept our rooster away from her but afterwards she was last in the pecking order and our rooster had his way with her to the point of...
  13. bigsis08

    Help! Lethargic chick not eating and barely drinking

    Hi all, I just got 12 chicks from tractor supply (4 Rhode island reds, 4 wynadotte I think, and 4 cinnamon queens). 2 of the 4 cinnamon queens are having trouble. I found one this morning lying on the ground near the water bowl and the others were just walking right on her. I went to pick her...
  14. chickmamat

    HELP! MUSCOVY skin and bones

    Please help! I adopted two Muscovys over a month ago. They both did great and were quarantined for two weeks. Seemed to be the picture of health, were laying eggs. I do not know their age, but they appear to be young. The smaller of the two and younger, from what I can tell, is now seriously...
  15. Q


    Hi everyone, I'm new to the site. I live on a lagoon and I feed the ducks that come to my backyard. We're used to seeing a lot of mallards and duclairs, but recently a female cayuga and a female aylesbury duck showed up and have been eating and hanging out in our yard every day. We love them...
  16. M

    HELP- Injured Duck not Eating

    Friday afternoon I found my two ducks separated and hurt. My best guess is they we’re attacked by dogs, which plucked most of their feathers and tore their skin. I brought the ducks in and cleaned them as best I could, google said to clean the wounds with saline so I did. While there is a lot of...
  17. B

    Hen won't open one eye

    I have a hen that is walking around with one eye closed all the time and the other closed most of the time. There isn't any drainage or puffiness. I have separated her from the rest of my flock. She will not eat her food, except for lettuce. She only drinks water if I put her beak in it. It has...
  18. C

    Chicken won't eat or drink anything but apple

    We brought in one of our ladies a few days ago because she seemed slow and listless. Her comb was dehydrated and she didn't seem to want food or water. We brought her inside, have been pipetting water in her mouth and letting her swallow and plying her with anything she might eat. She doesn't...
  19. mimaresca

    Over a month of watery poop, flock getting thinner, now not eating…

    For over a month our flock has been getting thinner, weight-wise. (7 chickens and 1 rooster) They have had diarrhea/ watery poop (very few solids). Most of them were molting before this, but nothing has really changed. Things we’ve checked for and done already: all have been eating, except one...
  20. picklestheduck

    Broody Hen not eating

    Hey yall so my brahma hen recently got broody for the first time, and has not been out of the nest at all as far as I have seen. She doesn't come out in the morning, and doesn't get food or water that I've seen. My sister said she saw her out once but that's the only sighting of her. She also...
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