odd behavior

  1. Sproutablossom

    Duck with weird skin and bald patches - Anyone seen this before?

    So we have this little drake who gets picked on by the other boys (he has since been removed from the boy pen) They liked to hold him down and tear out feathers. It wasn’t bad at first as they all tugged on each other, but then we noticed that he started to do it to himself. Like self...
  2. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Why won’t my chickens stop preening?

    Hi folks! We have just recently moved our 6 hens into a larger movable run, we have had sunshine and it’s began to feel like spring However something weird has happened to their behaviour, they won’t stop preening themselves and they are very quiet, I’ve never known them like this. Is it because...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Possible liver disease? Please help

    Hello! I can never seem to catch a break with my hens, and this will be the last time I ever purchase chicks from tractor supply because of it. Anyway, I have a 9 month old Blue Andalusian who has not been acting her normal self today. Normally, she is a piggy and spends the entire day...
  4. NubbyRyuu

    Rooster Spinning in Circles

    I've noticed on occassion, my top Silkie Roo, Luppi, spins in circles similar to how my Swirly did; the only difference is, he doesn't have wry neck. He's gonna be 3yrs next month. He hasn't been displaying any other worrying symptom, no paleness, no lethargy, no weak crows (he crows plenty...
  5. TurkeyTheQuail

    Sad chickens?

    Today when I had let my ladies out, two of them seemed normal and the other two just walked out slowly and were almost sad-looking.. fast forward like 10 minutes I found one of them in the bush and wouldn't move. I checked her, in case she was eggbound (they're only 16 weeks, but you never know)...
  6. H

    Happy spinning?

    I have a question , I have a lavender orpington hen she's almost a year, so I have noticed that whenever I give them food ,water or treats she does little spins before eating food or drinking. That's the only time that she spins. She doesn't do it walking or her normal chicken stuff only when I...
  7. Hippiechicklover

    Egg laying song without an egg

    My Columbian Wyandotte, Dolly Parton, is making what I think is the egg laying song... but she hasn’t laid any eggs that I know of. Background info on her, she came from a stressful environment at 3 months old. She’s quite established now, 4 months later, but still no sign of any eggs. Anyone...
  8. tarnte

    Odd behavior - Hen pushing other hen’s egg out of nesting box

    Hello, recently we noticed we got eggs being pushed out of the nesting box. Then we checked our coop camera and saw this odd behavior on one of our hens. She’s a SLW about 1.5 years old. She would push another chicken egg out of the nesting box before she used it. She’s the lowest in the pecking...
  9. A

    My pet turkey is behaving oddly

    I have a pet turkey named Chacha who is about 13 weeks old and is a bourbon red and wild turkey mix. He is a very affectionate and sweet bird. Recently he started to strut which we expected, but he's been behaving oddly. Earlier he was strutting for a few minutes and letting me praise him. Then...
  10. Sarah Clark

    Odd chicken noise...

    We have a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen and she hasn’t began laying yet. We got her back in March and we think she is about 12 to 16 weeks old. Today she started making some interesting sounds. Almost like a high pitched yip different from our other chickens who are already laying. We have...
  11. flock mommasan

    Molting and odd behavior

    My little Rockette -- #2 on the pecking order -- is molting quite badly right now. I wasn't that concerned but now she's acting oddly. She seems to be walking sideways with her head cocked part of the time. Is it that she feels badly with all the feathers going and coming? Or is this something...
  12. karenmragan

    Chick Murder!

    Hello everyone, to fill you in I have a couple of broodies sitting together and they just hatched three chicks yesterday. Well the nest they chose happens to be one of the favorite of the flock. I did not seal it off because I figured the moms would shoo away any other hens. I come in there a...
  13. L

    Sick hen now acting weird

    I’m confused about a hen and appreciate any ideas. She was apparently sick, lethargic and sitting around with her eyes closed. I took her out of the coop and put her in a large crate that I use to isolate chickens. She hasn’t been eating much, but otherwise didn’t have any other symptoms. Normal...

    My babygirl Feisty is not herself tonight.....

    feisty is acting odd. She is panting, she seems to have trouble keeping her balance when wanting to get in high places, she’s drooping her wings, she won’t get out of the squatting position, her eyes are looking really tired and she is keeping her butt feathers really low. She is eating and...
  15. BGcoop

    Wry neck or something else?

    Hi everyone! So this little guy(girl?) acts a little strange. He keeps his head cocked to one side most of the time and tends to run in a circle before taking off in a straight line or if he/she is frightened. He is capable of turning his head in all directions: But really prefers to keep it to...
  16. ShrekDawg

    Chickens staying inside a lot, not laying

    Any ideas why my chickens would be staying inside so much lately? I’m a little worried about them. It’s been kind of a while they’ve been doing it. At first I thought maybe they were scared of a hawk cause we have a lot and I saw one perched on the run one day and then I thought maybe they just...
  17. C

    Pullet not clucking?

    Hello all! I am new here to BYC and super happy to have finally joined. I've learned so much just scrolling through the forums, so it'll be neat to finally be a part of it! Sorry if my question is in the wrong subthread, just let me know and ill move it! So around the first week June of this...
  18. XoPandora

    How to tell if a chicken will sit

    are there signs that I should see in a broody hen? I noticed one of my hens stays in a nest box with a bunch of eggs. It looks like she's been moving them around. And we have a rooster name Fabio who she's always fallowing around, but the last couple days I noticed we don't see her out much and...
  19. K

    Can a hen be constantly broody?

    Hello, I have 3 hens all 1 year old. Lacy, a bantem was broody last month. I did all the stuff to break her of it and it seemed to work and she went back to joining the other two free ranging during the day. For 3-4 weeks she was her normal self. Her "normal" is a panicky bird, not very...
  20. sandy_c

    Can your roo do this?

    okay so I accidentally flipped my sizzle frizzle bantum rooster Alberta (yes I know Alberta isn’t a boys name) on his back when he picked a big off my ankle and startled me. Here’s the odd part. He just stayed like that: it took 30 minutes and an intervention from me to get him to right himself...
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