olive egger

  1. F

    breeding a cream OE rooster with a Blue OE hen = ?

    We recently bought chicks from a small homestead breeder and all ended up being roosters that only have green and blue egg genetics. We are considering keeping 1-2 of the roosters for a few months to breed to our small flock of hens (different breeds) for more variation in feather/egg colors...
  2. S

    What color egg do sapphire olive eggers lay?

    As the title - what color would a sapphire olive egger lay? Dark green or pastel? Trying to figure out what other breed and egg color to go for… thank you so much!
  3. S

    Which breed chicks to add colour to egg basket? Olive Egger vs Cream Legbar or Other?

    Hello! I have a bit of an obsession... Limited coop room and want to optimize egg colours for the amount of hens I can have. I can add a couple more chicks, any suggestions which breeds? The two last ones I don't yet know if they are hens or roos... Currently have chicks: - sapphire olive...
  4. Ben8

    Sex linked Olive Egger

    Day old olive egger. Sex-linked, French Black Copper Marans roo x Crested Cream Legbar hen. Male has white dot on top of his head and a small crease.
  5. Australorpfamily

    Broody not breaking, day four

    Goldie, our olive egger is attempting to brood. We have moved her original broody jail to on top of the rooster(who is in our only dog crate- I'm not chasing him again in less than two weeks to take him to auction (he's too big for me to snatch from roost bars easily, I tried before he was...
  6. Australorpfamily

    Olive Egger roo or pullet

    We have four (more) olive eggers and one almost seems to be a roo. They are six weeks old, and I will be sharing in eight as well. But is it showing signs of roo feathers? Our other roos were very easy to tell. This one not so much. I've debated and waited and we've gone back and forth on...
  7. talkinboutchickens

    How can I "make" an olive egger?

    Hi I was just curious about how I could get olive eggs, I heard that you can cross a brown layer with a blue layer and you get an olive egger, but last year my sapphire gem roo bred with my easter egger hen and their daughter just lays easter egger light blue eggs, not olive eggs. Does anyone...
  8. Australorpfamily

    Olive Eggers and their eggs

    We have four OE that are currently laying (the others are five weeks old and not in flock) Sharing their colored eggs over the past couple of weeks as the last two days I have gotten pale minty(ish) green ones from them! Lol Yes, we did change feed, from commercial to a feed mill, same...
  9. BerthaBoo

    Which cockerel would you keep?

    Hi everyone! I have two separate broods of chicks growing right now. One set is 2 weeks old and with a momma hen, the other batch is 8 weeks old and was just weaned. All are with the main flock since I hate integrating birds. The older chicks are all marans mixes (BCM and chocolate marans) and...
  10. Australorpfamily

    I am a roo magnet lol

    I seem to always pick out, and hatch out, roos lol (first hatch was 4 of 6 roos, this hatch we have 5 eggs and I think the odds are 2 to 3 but not sure which) Now, yes, I know they are still young yet, but their behavior is roo to a T! Lol! Cleaned them out and these two just kept chest...
  11. J

    No vent holes on chinese incubator

    I have a 35$ cheapo incubator for my first hatch, 10 out of 12 eggs have embryos and I'm on day 18. I've seen reviews of this one with fluffy chicks running around inside that also had ducks in the same batch so I think I'm good but there's no obvious ventilation. Unless the lip around the dome...
  12. Radrussie

    Egg colours. First gen, second gen

    Hi I have a easter egger flock. I have what I believe to be a black cooper maran rooster. I have been hatching my green eggs and have now received my first egg from this batchs offspring. Image 1 : offspring green with brown spots. Image 2: is the egg colour she was hatched from. Would you...
  13. BerthaBoo

    Breed ideas for these chicks? Wyandotte, Marans, Welsummer, and Ameraucana mixes

    Hi everyone! Okay so I know it’s impossible to pinpoint this batch of chicks’ specific breeds, but I’m curious if y’all have any ideas of parent breeds, potential feathering patterns, or what breeds might be the most prominent based on what the chick looks like right now. Obviously just for fun...
  14. T

    Grow with us! Week by Week Progression of Straight Run Chicks.

    Howdy! I purchased 5 straight run chicks from Alchemist Farms. I thought it would be fun to do a week by week progression of these chicks, while guessing Roos/Hens. I'll be starting this progression at Week 2 and posting an update once a week. Type your guesses! I honestly have no idea but am...
  15. J

    New here

    I've googled and used info off this page so many times I figured I might as well join! I'm about a 10ish month chicken owner maybe less so far. Got eggs in an incubator already!
  16. H

    Week old olive egger chick tiny and not gaining weight?

    Hello! First time raising chicks and owning chickens at all. I want to give lots of context so sorry this will be long.. Basically I started with 4 x 1 day old chicks from a local breeder who hatches all year round.. it’s early Autumn here in Australia and currently going through a heat wave...
  17. Victoria Peckham

    Mixed up batch of chicks! OE, EE, Australorp?

    Can you help me ID my hens? We have six 6 1/2 month old chicks, some of whom the store had in the wrong bins. I thought I had figured out what breeds they all are, but was corrected in another thread by https://www.backyardchickens.com/members/ilovemychicks08.609587/ I think @Ilovemychicks08...
  18. Timbers Happy Hens

    Olive egger thread

    Hi y’all! I’m working on starting an olive/ Easter egger project. Would love to see photos of everyone’s blue or green layers and the crosses used create these wonderful birds!! Definitely most interested in trying to find a balance in variety of physical color as well as egg color.
  19. M

    Olive egger vs Green egger????

    Hey guys!!! I was at my local north 40 and I saw these chickens that they will have available soon. One day green egger and the other says olive. I was wondering what the difference is other than the look of the chicken! I am looking to add a second olive egger to the flock that lays a deep...
  20. 20240222_183046.jpg


    Olive egger Look at that color & those spots... 😍
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