
  1. -Clementine-

    Rabbit Kit emergency please help

    Wrong forum I know, but I can’t get my email to work to sign up for any other rabbit forum or BYH. My doe has been having trouble with nesting and kindling. She did not make a nest and ended up having her first kit on the cage floor, so I took it into the house to warm it up because it was...
  2. H

    Orphaned chick

    Hello! I have a hen who has hatched five chicken that are 8ish days old now (hatched different days) One of them I found this morning huddled in a corner about two feet away from mom, he was shivering and not looking so well. I nudges him back to her but when I came back an hour later he was...
  3. hennythpalcrow1

    FOUND an orphaned Chick! Help!

    My daughter found a tiny orphaned baby chick on her school grounds (definitely chicken or turkey although I wouldn't know how to ID it for sure). Of course we brought it home. We have it in a broader under a heat lamp with a stuffed animal to keep it "company" and plan to introduce it...
  4. Vegan Mountain Mama

    Need help introducing new baby chicks to my hens please?

    I’m trying to get my 2 hens to adopt my two new baby chicks. The hens both like to sit on their eggs and sometimes I see them tucking an egg under their tummies. I thought this meant they are broody (they’re both 1 year old americuanas) so I got them babies. I made a nest for them in a bin in my...
  5. Ashleynick

    Orphan Chicks Are dying!!!

    Hi I'm new to this! I have a question about my chicks. The mother disappeared a few months ago and came back with three chicks. Understand that is happened mid fall and it was already getting close to freezing weather. Anyways earlier this week I went to check on them and the mother tried to fly...
  6. C

    Orphaned chicks

    Hello everyone- I have 5 chicks about one month old. Their mother was killed last night by a predator along with one of their sisters. They have been raised solely by mama, and will not let themselves be caught or handled. The flock is free range, and the other hens don't mind the little ones...
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