
  1. DigChickens

    Introduction DigChickens

    Hi everyone, Although we talked about getting chickens for years we got our first 2 Buff Orpingtons in March; we are hooked. Went back 2 weeks later and picked up 2 Black Austrolops; our first four chicks turned 4 months yesterday. They are doing really well! On June 8th I picked up 6...
  2. Englishable

    Adding a rooster?

    We started our flock of Lavender Orpingtons last year and currently have 11 hens and 2 roosters, all just over a year old. This weekend we hatched our first batch of eggs and want to keep an additional 16 hens (we set 42 eggs, of which 30 hatched; we're setting another batch of eggs tomorrow)...
  3. Cels

    FOR SALE: Lavender Orpingtons & Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons

    Hello! I just purchased some young Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and Lavender Opringtons - straight run, less than a week old (closer to 1-3 days old) - and wanted to see if anyone was interested in purchasing a few! I essentially over purchased in order to fill a minimum purchase requirement. They...
  4. JDS Ranch

    LF Chocolate English Orpington chicks $10.00 each

    ON SALE NOW...Chocolate English Oprington chicks $10.00 each plus $55.00 shipping includes a NEW Horizon chick box, grogel, cooked egg, chick feed included (shipping within the Continental USA only) The Chocolate chicks sells as "straight run only" Bloodlines include Ewe Crazy Farms, Heirloom...
  5. BaddestChickenboy

    Help. Is this Pure Orpingtons?

    The roos have a little yellow on their wings, im not really sure if its pure orps
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