
  1. 1lilmrnstr

    Outdoor cage for luvies, budgies and others?

    Hello all! I have a small farm with a lot of rescues on it! From cats to goats to lovebirds and even 1 little, adorable, hognose snake! I finally finished building the Peacock Palace, next project is Ducks Digs which will be beside our little pond! In the meantime, I have been talking to my...
  2. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Share your bunny tips!

    Hello everyone! I am getting 3 outdoor mini lops. They will all live together in a spacious hutch. I was wondering, do any of you bunny lovers have any tips for me? Thanks all!
  3. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Can rabbits live outdoors, even in winter?

    Hello! I am hoping to get a rabbit, but due to allergies it can’t live in the house. Could my rabbit live outside in a hutch, full time, even in our Maine winters? I would of course provide a heater. Thanks so much!
  4. katie_94

    Coturnix quail and the Florida winter

    Hi fellow Floridians, Winter is here and temperatures are dropping. I live on the east coast towards the north near St. Augustine. I'm a first-time quail parent and have coturnix quails of mixed ages (older ones are 3 and 4-5 months old) which I'll be introducing them eventually to our new...
  5. 4

    Outdoor quail cage for sale

    Does anyone know if there is a vendor for quail cages specifically for outdoor use?
  6. K

    Brooder to Coop: suggestions modifying/ integrating

    I am looking for suggestions for my setup. We are raising our second batch of 4 chicks and have 3 adult hens. We have used this plastic bin with heat lamp for a few weeks, then upgraded to our wood deck box (in the house), before moving our last batch to their coop. The adults have their coop...
  7. Carrshannon04

    Outdoor shelters

    Hellooooo, I was just looking for outdoor enclosure/shelter ideas for my ducks. I’ve been looking at ones from tractor supply but I also would like to see what other people do & how they keep it safe from other animals 🤗 thanks! 🦆💕
  8. luckyduck956

    Transitioning Ducks Outdoors

    How do you go about transitioning a duck to the outside? I live in central Texas. Unfortunately in Texas weather is never consistent. During this time our highs each week can range from 80-90° lows 50-70°. In the summer time it’s usually 80-110° with lows in the 70-80°, and it does get very hot...
  9. M

    Pheasant roofing and predator proofing!?

    Hi everyone! I'm building a pheasant enclosure and am wondering what everybody uses as roofing material, and what predator proofing measures you have taken! I'm in the UK so there aren't as many predators as there are in places like the US but I'm definitely not taking any chances. I will be...

    Outside Brooder?

    Hi guys! I'm 75% done with my very first chicken coop! And I have a couple of questions about raising some chickens. I've been doing a ton of research online and I'm getting everything prepared the main thing I'm running into is the brooding stage. Everyone's saying to keep them inside for the...
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