
  1. RooRoosMama

    My Roo has build up around his feather follicles.

    Hi there, I have added many pictures, hopefully they load in order. The dry ones are before I treated with Aquaphor, the middle were last night (after one treatment), the ones starting at the bare bottom through the end were this morning. I have had my boy at the vet many times for issues with...
  2. C

    Blisters and wounds on face and combs

    I “rescued” some silkies and one black (supposed) Astrolop. We aren’t sure what all is wrong. I have them isolated away from my main flock, with an electric fence buffer to keep a 6 ft DMZ type zone). They aren’t as active as my normal flock but they aren’t lethargic either. Their legs have...
  3. ElGoose

    Goose wing situation getting worse 😢

    So our Sebastopol who’s 3 months old hurt her wing on Tuesday getting out of the little pool since she fell in without meaning to. There was one feather down which was causing her some pain when I moved it up but when I got back home on Friday it had disappeared and my mum said that since it...
  4. Ankaa

    Way to reduce new layer pain?

    My chicken started laying yesterday and finally was able to rest once the egg came out. The next morning she started sounding in pain again. Is there a way for me to help her?
  5. Qquails899

    Quail with swollen joint

    Hello everyone A while ago I posted about my quail who started limping in september, a few weeks after her toenail broke off. I think it’s getting worse and the leg that she uses for getting around started swelling up. She probably also had scaly mites so the vet gave her a drop of Ivermectin. I...
  6. Roos

    Limping rooster

    Hello all! My aged rooster has been limping for over a month now. At first, I treated him for leg mites. When he didn't improve, I took him to the vet, and they did all sorts of tests (blood and poo came back clean), they gave him antibiotics (oxytetracycline), anti-inflammatory drugs (oral...
  7. M

    Pekin with Swollen Leg

    I’m wondering if someone may have some recommendations for my Sophie. She’s been declining in walking for the past few months, she is only a year old. I find in the evening she does have a more difficult time walking and I usually end up carrying her in at night. In the morning she moves much...
  8. M

    Help! Injured chicken with Burns and patchy feathers!

    A little information, My uncle found a chicken and he knows that I have a few of my own so he asked if I wanted to take on a rescue chicken and of course I had to accept. from what he told me the chicken was in a wrecked car and was stuck onto the vehicle. The vehicle was going to be towed to a...
  9. L

    Swollen neck and signs of pain

    The right side of the neck of a young hen is swollen and hot to the touch. The back of her head is also swollen and soft. She is holding her neck back and ridged and moving slowly but not really lethargic and droopy. Her poop is watery and not really digested at all. What’s going on with my baby?
  10. C

    Duck lameness

    We have a duck with lameness after getting caught in a rope. We have metacam and Rimadyl at home. Which is the go to and dosing? I’m currently Covid positive so I can’t bring her into her vet for X-rays so I trying to make her comfortable until I can but I feel horrible for her.
  11. L

    Baby chick in pain. Possible prolapse vent.

    Hi. I’ve never had chicks before and we recently got 3 isa browns and 3 Brahma. We purchased them from tractor supply and a few had pasty butt. We clean them daily and all have healed except one. When she poops she chirps in pain.. it’s been a week now and she’s not getting better. It’s almost...
  12. DuckDuckJuice

    Advice Regarding Duck with Old Injury/Deformity

    Hi, I’m hoping someone can offer some helpful insights regarding our duck, aptly named Ducky. Ducky is a five month old male Pekin with a bum leg. We aren’t sure if his leg was injured at some point or if it’s a deformity, but he has walked with a considerable limp since we got him at...
  13. ForestAlice

    Is My Duckling in Pain?

    Yesterday my duckling lost a blood feather but we couldn’t find the source of where it came from as he wasn’t bleeding anywhere we could spot so he seemed to be good. However strangely this evening every time he went to flap his wings he’d let out a single shrill call and then stop trying to...
  14. ForestAlice

    VERY scared duckling!! Please, please help!!

    My partner and I have been raising our rescue duckling for a little over a month now. He is like our child. Every day has been full of not ever enough love and cuddles for our baby duck to go around. He was entirely attached to us and saw us as his parents. Tonight, just the moment before there...
  15. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    Hello :) I have a 13 week old FBCM cockerel with unknown medical issues. I took him to the vet and got no answers. I have an appointment at another vet July 6th... oof! How do I wait that long?! I learn the most and get all my best help on this here I go hoping for more. I...
  16. Yucky_ducky_kentucky

    Chick biting wing. PLEASE HELP! Hurts itself. Is this a problem with Seramas?

    Received 8 chicks today in the mail. Ordered Silkies but the black one appears to be a Serama. It takes a big bite of its wing, holds onto it, and won’t let go. Than it pulls its wing violently; so hard that it trips and falls! It screams in agony while it does this😕. Is there anything I can do...
  17. L

    Eat, sleep and no poop

    I know there are several other threads regarding these issues but I just need some support for this specific case. I have a week old chick my hen hatched out, I'm unsure of the breed bc my green wasn't sitting on her own eggs but for sure the rooster is ameracauna. She was born with curly toes...
  18. Aliamelody

    Duck with swollen legs-please Help!

    My duck is a boy and a year old. He had a series of foot problems His legs were crooked when he was a baby. We didn't know why. But she ran and played, so there was no problem. A few months ago he suffered a long swell of one of his legs I tried human calcium, vitamin Ad3 But it didn't work, and...
  19. MasterZii

    Is my chick in pain?

    I got a baby silkie chick, tiny little thing. Maybe 5-6 days old at the very most. It's been living in a small bin with a gosling and they've been doing great for the past couple of days. Suddenly, the silkie just start crying out non-stop. Cheep cheep cheep cheep x400. Doesn't stop! It's...
  20. M

    JOINT INFLAMMATION, please read

    Hi everyone. So i am dealing with a bit of an issue with one of my pekins. She had bumblefoot back in 2017, it got petty bad, I won't lie but i took her to the vet and got antibiotics for her, wrapped her feet and it went away, she just had some excess skin on the bottom of her feet from the...
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