
  1. J

    Video and pics. Help me diagnose 10 week old respiratory illness?

    Hi everyone. I have an 11ish week old Australorp chick (or is it pullet now?) that has been sick for a couple weeks, and I’d appreciate some help in maybe figuring out what’s going on, and how I can best help her. These are my first chickens, so I’d appreciate the input of others more...
  2. Revon

    Teenager chick is very sick and i cant find out why//Update: i dont need help anymore, she has died :'(

    One of our Sapphire Gem pullets is very sick, I found her yesterday like this and she still hasn't improved this afternoon when we did chores. She is pale, EXTREMELY thin, lethargic, not making any noises unless started, she wont eat but she will drink if you dip her bill in water, I think I...
  3. CackleBabies

    Lethargic 6 year old hen with pale comb and wattles seems to be getting worse. Is it parasites?

    My 6 year old mixed breed Bantam buff Orpington/buff Brahma has been lethargic for about a week now. She has separated herself from the flock (11 total all mixed breeds and ages, all but one are hens) which she’s not done before. She’ll stand around all puffed up, even in mild weather looking...
  4. A

    Rooster with pale face,

    What could be going on if a rooster's face gets all pale (just his face, comb and wattles are fine), but then gets it's color back as soon as I pick him up or give attention? Molting related somehow? I believe this also happened with my boy this time last year, he's in the process of growing...
  5. Hannahnic14

    Leghorn wouldn't come out of the coop this morning. Feels very underweight

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is a 18 week old, pearl white leghorn. Not laying yet. She feels very very thin compared to the others 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She wouldn't come out of the coop this morning...
  6. evarelagitt

    Sick chicks

    We got new chicks at the end of March they were born 3/19 and 3/24. One chick never thrived and died about a week later. I didn’t notice any specific signs of illness with her. About a week after that one of the other chicks started opening it’s mouth frequently and looking sick. No cough or...
  7. A

    Sick Chicken

    I think I have a sick chicken or she’s super stressed. She’s been a bit bullied and today I had to pull her from the coop because her comb was bleeding (someone took a small piece of it) and her comb is more pink than red which I had just assumed was weather related but now I have her in my...
  8. Thechickentrainer1999

    What's wrong with my hen?

    I've noticed over the last few months that my hens comb has changed color. It used to be bright red and now to me it looks pale and looks like it has shrunk. Here is a picture from 2018 vs 2019. What do you think has caused this? She is 2 years old. She also is missing butt feathers that are not...
  9. Mikokoke

    Stumbling 4 month old buff orpington pullet

    We ordered 2 dozen fertilized eggs from McMurray Hatchery to hatch in my daughter 2nd grade class. We successfully hatched 9. Out of those nine, we currently only have two that are still alive (2 were roosters). We lost our last pullet earlier this week and we have one that has always been a...
  10. LemonyCatapult

    Seemingly healthy pullet but showing strange symptoms

    I have a 6 month old pullet with a strange backstory. So she hatched from my two Easter Eggers and was always quite small for her age. When she was 3.5 months old, her feet got severe frost bite and she lost all her toes. She has lived in our house since but has been showing weird symptoms since...
  11. Splinter022

    Please help!!!

    One of my black australorps have a pale comb, she’s extremely skinny, and when it looks like she’s about to eat, she just drops the food. She won’t roost, she only lies down on the ground. I came back from somewhere today around lunch time (I left super early so it was still dark out) just to...
  12. GoldenCometKeeper

    Rooster comb turning black, crusty!

    My nearly 1 year old Rhode Island Red/New Hampshire Red rooster, Pierce, is having another issue. We got past the frostbite this past winter, and its been between 40-85 degrees here this whole month. I saw today that aside from a few little tiny black dots on his comb, he now has a large black...
  13. chickengirl778

    Molting symptoms or sick?

    Two out of my three full grown hens are both going through a molt. Both also have quite pale combs, while the one who isn't molting has a bright red comb. Is this normal or should I be worried?
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