paralyzed legs

  1. H

    Hen still unable to walk after laying binded egg

    Just like I stated in the title, my hen is still not able to walk after finally laying the eggbound egg, though she doesnt really seem lethargic, she still eats and drink with assistance and her comb and wattles are red as usual, Is it possible she can walk once again? if so what can i give her...
  2. I

    Rooster Head Injury!

    I have a 2 year old Sebright Bantam rooster who is having nerve problems. He twists his head 360 degrees around and has a hard time eating. He fell into water during the winter, and I dried him off as soon as I could, but he hasn't perched on the roosting bar since then or crowed. Recently his...
  3. fanficfreezone

    Her legs are strong but her balance is off

    Over Memorial weekend, we noticed that my hen Fiona was unable to walk. Her legs still worked but her balance was not right. When we first saw the vet he said she was emaciated, and since she was refusing to eat, we have been tube-feeding her. Over the last two weeks (since Memorial weekend)...
  4. S

    Chicken Seems as if legs are paralyzed/injured.

    We discovered our welsummer sitting in the yard this morning when she wasn’t able to run to get food with the other chickens. She was slumped to one side with her wing out and when we set her on her feet she sort of slumped over. We currently have her separated with food and water in the shade...
  5. goodatnaps

    6mo pullet can't move legs, lethargic, vet Dx seems wrong

    My 6ish month old layer Diana (she's laid maybe 3-4 eggs total, stopped the day after she lost the ability to stand/hobble) started limping about two weeks ago. We noticed one of her toes was curled out and backwards, and she was hobbling to avoid putting pressure on it. We tried to split the...
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