Chicken Seems as if legs are paralyzed/injured.


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2018
We discovered our welsummer sitting in the yard this morning when she wasn’t able to run to get food with the other chickens. She was slumped to one side with her wing out and when we set her on her feet she sort of slumped over. We currently have her separated with food and water in the shade. She seems alert and her comb and wattles are bright and her eyes seem clear. I’ve given her some water and she ate a tiny bit of scrambled egg but doesn’t really want to eat. At first I thought she might have Marek’s disease but she’s almost 2 and based on everything I could find it’s not very likely at her age. Any help would be appreciated, photos attached.
We discovered our welsummer sitting in the yard this morning when she wasn’t able to run to get food with the other chickens. She was slumped to one side with her wing out and when we set her on her feet she sort of slumped over. We currently have her separated with food and water in the shade. She seems alert and her comb and wattles are bright and her eyes seem clear. I’ve given her some water and she ate a tiny bit of scrambled egg but doesn’t really want to eat. At first I thought she might have Marek’s disease but she’s almost 2 and based on everything I could find it’s not very likely at her age. Any help would be appreciated, photos attached.
How is your hen?
Do you know when she last laid an egg?
Can you feel of her abdomen for swelling/bloat or fluid?
Is her wing out to help her balance or get around, or does it hang down all the time? Can she stand, or does one or both leg seem asleep or numb? Have you added any new chickens to the flock in the last few months? Could she have been injured?

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