pea chick

  1. B

    Getting peafowl shortly, need advice on feed!

    Are vitamins or a higher protein content more important in feed? I am comparing two pellets. Also are the vitamin levels in the lower feed too high for peafowl? One feed is for meatbirds: 22 percent protein, 1.2 lysine, 0.5 methionine, 3.5 fat, 4 fiber, 0.75 calcium, 1.25 max calcium, 0.6...
  2. R

    Peachick sleeping and not eating

    Recently acquired three chicks, all now around 6 days old. Two of the three seem to be thriving just fine with healthy progression and activity (though maybe a bit of eyelid tugging which has landed them in birdy jail), however one of them is significantly less active. It's spends the majority...
  3. M

    New Peafowl farmer

    I have 4 of these 1 month old peafowl I got at auction only labeled pea chicks. From the very minimal knowledge we have on peafowl we think they may have some green heritage. BUT AGAIN, very very minimal knowledge. Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks from Milams Farm T&F
  4. Micoylf

    Hatched Peachicks!!

    Photos of the hatched peachicks, now that they are all fluffed up and posing pretty! The last one Fable, i posted about in the incubator forum- i had to help them out of the shell. They are doing alright! They have some spraddle leg issues but its being fixed. The other 3 are fine with no...
  5. L

    Looking for Peachicks or eggs in Colorado

    I am looking for Peachicks and fertile eggs here is Colorado.
  6. H

    Incubating peachicks

    Hello! I’m incubating chicks. One has already hatched and it only took about 4 hours from when I noticed the pipe. The second egg piped and we’re now going on 36 hours since then. It’s opened enough that I can see it’s breathing. Doesn’t seem to be sticky. Every once in awhile it chirps. I don’t...
  7. littlefowl

    raising peachick

    i just hatched out my first peachick... had to deal with a slipped tendon straight off the bat . what else should i be looking out for and do i need to know about raising one by hand by itself??
  8. S

    Peachick poops colour changed, she is very dull and not eating much

    My 7 month old peachick is now looks very tired and she is not eating much and her poos colour is white liquid ,it is for the 1st time like this.please help ,I don't know what to do
  9. S

    Peachick 6 month old got injured in wings!!

    My 6 month year old peachick got injured in her wings ,there is no broken wings or anything,but there is a wound!.what do we do. My father tell me to apply betadin for healing, is that will help? Please answer ASAP
  10. S

    Can anyone help with the gender of my 2 peachicks

    I have 2 peachicks 3 months old. Can anyone please tell me their gender
  11. NanaB15

    Advice Needed Please! Getting Peachicks soon and need some advice!

    This may be a silly question, but do you give any of your fowl antibiotics, medication, anything of that sort? Hopeful for a reply! We just got some peachicks, about to have them in an aviary by our chicken pin, and just curious if we need to continue them on medicated chick feed starter or if...
  12. S

    Peachick asap

    My peachicks are 2 months old..From a week before they have are making a sneezing like sound and they have running nose issue(i think so) as they have some liquid near their beak holes. One of the peachick is now opening mouth most of times as if she have trouble in please help...
  13. J

    Peachick colouring

    Hi all. These three peachicks are just over 4 weeks old. My question is what colour are they?? The hen is Indian blue as is the peacock but as you can see, two of the chicks are very pale - does anyone have any ideas??
  14. Rottie6868

    Help! Sick peachicks

    Hi born 7/14, My babies are even worse today gasping for air. I am giving them 10mg of Tylo-Doxy (1/2pill dissolved in water and under the tongue) they are very respiratory shaking head opening mouth and I can hear it when they try to breathe. I began med yesterday. Pigeon bottle says once per...
  15. S

    Looking for a home for 6 week old pea chick in Florida

    Hi everyone 👋 I have a 6 week old pea chick that our friends found while on a walk in their neighborhood. It had just hatched (seemingly- it still had the egg hook on its beak) but mama was nowhere to be found. After looking for hours for its family, they took it home and called me since I’m...
  16. K

    My peafowl is having trouble walking

    Hi, I have 5 peafowls and just yesterday I noticed that one of them kept falling as it tried to get up and walk, I took it out of the cage and checked for any injuries but there were none, so I’m worried and freaking out because I don’t know what’s wrong and it seems to be limping and losing...
  17. K

    My peafowl is having trouble walking

    Hi, I have 5 peafowls and just yesterday I noticed that one of them kept falling as it tried to get up and walk, I took it out of the cage and checked for any injuries but there were none, so I’m worried and freaking out because I don’t know what’s wrong and it seems to be limping and losing...
  18. M

    Help: Peafowl chick leg problem

    First peafowl egg pipped yesterday morning, I noticed it at 7am. No progress at all and after all 3 other eggs began to unzip after pipping much later after the 1st I did an assist out of the egg. Very slowly, using water to keep everything moist etc. No visible damage to the peafowl so I...
  19. J

    ISO Pea chicks or eggs

    I would really love to get a couple baby pea chicks. I would like to give one to my Mom for Mother's Day and raise the other with my baby chicks. Anyone near KY have any available?
  20. Got_The_Chick_Itch

    Staff please read!

    I have been thinking about this for ever. I want there to have a BYC poultry day. You could send out a survey for a set day. A chicken, duck, and goose competition could be held and the winner will win 30 trophy points other competitions could be held also.
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